However, one band in particular sticks out in my mind because they granted me an amazing honour...they asked me to do photo shoot for first real official band photo shoot!
From Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z played the Downbeat Lounge to a small but appreciative crowd Sunday June 4, 2006. I loved their stuff and found them a blast to photograph live. After the show, we got to chatting. They were in no hurry to take off in the morning and decided to stay in the Sault to hang for the day. They asked me to do a shoot. I said yes and got nervous...never done this before...what will they expect of me?...where should I take them?...what if the pictures suck?
I decided to take them to the train yard. I told them it would be cool...there's never any activity there during the day and we could climb trains and sneak would be fun. Stupid Murphy and his pain in the ass law foiled that plan. As we drove into the yard, we could hardly see the trains from the dust being kicked up by all the activity and stuff and things going on. Crap.
Plan B...the waterfront...corny, I know, but there are some interesting spots there so off we went. It was insanely sunny and hot that day so lighting proved to be a bit of an issue, but I managed to work with it. Here are a few of my favourite shots......

The day was a hoot but we finally had to stop because we were all sweating our balls off and my battery was dead...poor planning on my part. Afterwards we headed off to Lone Star for a nibble then to Casa Case for an enjoyable evening of VEX drinkin', poker playin' and hockey watchin'...good times, good times. Jay and Carrie let the band crash there for the night and I thank the two of you on behalf of the band once again for your hospitality.
I welcome all comments and suggestions regarding the pictures. Please let me know what you think.
BONUS QUESTION: Anyone who can tell me where their name comes from gets a free butt grab from yours truly. Jay, Carrie, Dan, Trevor, Amanda, Krista and guys are excluded from the contest because I know you already know...I'll probably end up grabbing all your butts at some point anyway...
The pictures are definitely cool. Good stuff. Damn you ;)
I hate every ape I see,
From chimpan-A to chimpan-Z.
No you'll never make a monkey out of me!
Oh my god, I was wrong.
It was Earth all along.
You finally made a monkey
Yes, we finally made a monkey
Yes, you finally made a monkey out of me!
I love you Dr. Zaius.!
well done, CO! Free butt grab for you next time I see you...after that, they cost one beer...FYI...
When in doubt reference the Simpsons, it's most likely the answer to most things.
(I may have cheated for the direct reference though)
I'll pay a beer for a butt grab! That's well worth it...
BTW...if I had time I would have gotten it waaaaaaaay before CO...if that's worth anything.
those picks are totally hot
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