Saturday, December 31, 2005


Mr. James Case has a website. I repeat, Mr. James (I cut off my own fingers and I can still play mean fuckin' guitar) Case has a smokin' hot website.

I only see one flaw with this will now be impossible to keep our home grown guitar God to ourselves here in modest Sault Ste. Marie. Jay, meet World. World, meet Jay.

With a voice than can make a nun rip her clothes off and grab the nearest male to engage in unspeakable acts of passion coupled with his unique and undeniable talents as a musician and song writer, it will not be long before he is noticed and whisked away to bigger and brighter stuff and things. Just remember all us little people when you're a big rock star, Jay. I'll even work for you, if you like. I'm assuming the position of "Personal Ball Sanitation Engineer" has been taken by George Ravlich, so I'll have to find something else I can do...maybe I could be your sound technician...that looks like a pretty easy gig...a no brainer, really...

...excuse me, but I must run and hide from Mr. Ravlich now...

Anyway, congratulations Jay. The site looks stellar! The site was of course, designed by Curt O'Neil of Murderfly Multimedia. Nice job, CO. However, the pictures could use some work. I think you should give me that junk camera you've been using and get a new one...*wink wink*

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Holiday in a Nutshell

My Tree '05-2

Hope evryone had a glorious holiday. My Christmas was fantastic full of friends, family and good times.

Rob & the record

Rob loved his gift. I had Robbie Adamson burn the record onto CD for me so on Christmas morning Rob awoke to Johnny Cash belting out "Hey Good Lookin'". He emerged perplexed from the bedroom in his boxers wondering where the hell I had found Johnny singing Hank Williams. He was more than pleasantly surprized to see the autographed LP resting on the fireplace mantle. All went according to plan... bwah ha ha ha....

Donna & Bat Boy

He gave me the awesome book pictured above...The Weekly World News ROCKS!!!...and the special edition 2 DVD set of "Sin City", plus a stocking full of fun games, toys and music...Bedouin Sound Clash and Death From fun fun...

But stay tuned folks, for the holiday season is not quite through. We still have New Year's Eve ahead and you KNOW I will be talking tons of photos that night. If I will not be seeing you that evening, be safe and I wish you all the best in the new year.

...oh yes...and look what Jay Case got for Christmas...

Moments Before the Sodomy

...a passed out George Ravlich ripe for the sodomy...lucky Jay...

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Winter 6

Just a quick note to wish one and all a very Merry Christmas. May Santa drop the best of the season down your chimney.....and may rabid, drunken elves chew off the nuts of Bill O'Reilly and all the other evil doers of this planet. (do I know how to spread joy, or what?) CHEERS!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Merry happy Christmas holidays

I love Jon Stewart. Bill O'Reilly apparently hates Jon Stewart because "The Daily Show", a spoof news program, is more news worthy than his own Fox Network "news" program. Jon Stewart pokes fun at Bill O'Reilly. I laugh and think to myself, "Self, that Bill O'Reilly fella is a jackass."

As of late, Mr. O'Reilly has been discussing and debating the apparent American war on Christmas. He claims that Americans are trying to eliminate Christmas because some people say "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas". While discussing this issue on his show, he agreed that it would be silly for individuals to be insulted by the term "Merry Christmas" if said greeting was directed at someone of other-than-Christian faith...someone Jewish or Hindu, perhaps. In the next breath he demanded the phrase "Happy Holidays" was utterly insulting to individuals of Christian faith.

...huh...interesting...Jon Stewart thought it was interesting too.

I think Bill O'Reilly needs to lighten the fuck up and try to find real news to talk about. What he is trying to do is make a non-issue into an issue. He is picking and scratching and clawing at a freckle until it bleeds and then claims it's cancer.

His main support for his argument are major national department stores such as Gap, Walmart and Sears that post "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" in their windows rather than "Merry Christmas". I think it's a cost issue, not a secular issue. This time of year boasts two holidays; Christmas and New Years Eve. Two is plural. Saying "Happy Holidays" is just more time and cost effective than saying "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year".

OK. So I am partially joking about the whole cost effective thing. The truth is the "Christ" has been slowly slipping out of "Christmas" for quite some time. Although the holiday still carries His name, many individuals forget, or better yet "disregard" what the day is supposed to represent. Ya know why? Because a large portion of the population don't care. If they cared, the "Christ" would not be slipping out of "Christmas".

For those who do care, no one is stopping you from going to church and honouring the birthday of baby Jesus by killing a tree. By all means, have at it. But I'll let you in on a little secret...December 25 was not Christ's birthday.

(I love Wikipedia and here's why...)

On or around December 25 ancient Romans celebrated the festival of Saturnalia in honour of--you guessed it--Saturn, the God of farming or agriculture. They would cut down evergreens (signifigant because they did not die in the winter) and decorate them to pay homage to Saturn...a sacrafice, as it were.

The festival was mostly a lot of goofing around, something like April Fool's Day, when masters and slaves would switch roles and the like. It was so much fun that the holiday expanded to almost a week long. Always trying to out do themselves as the Romans often did, the festival gradually degraded into utter debauchery. So much so that soon the word "saturnalia" came to mean "orgy" to the Christians.


It is widely believed that in the fourth century, the Christians assigned December 25 as Christ's birthday in a effort to "Christianize" the pagans celebrating Saturnalia. Rather than eliminate an already popular holiday and try to get them to celebrate an entirely new one, they must have thought it was easier to just replace it. How'd they stop the orgies, that's what I wanna know.

By the way, December 25 is also the secular holiday "Newtonmas" in honour of Sir Isaac Newton.

So getting back to Mr. Bill O'Reilly, I have this to say to him this holiday season; (in honour of Christmas) "Seasons Greetings you self righteous moron", (in honour of Newtonmas) "Happy Genius You Will Never Be Day" and (in honour of Saturnalia) "Go fuck yourself." How ever you want to celebrate is entirely up to you, but leave the rest of us alone and find some real news to talk about.

Long live Jon Stewart!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Holiday Favourites

So not so long ago, one of our local on-line news sources had a poll asking their readers what their favourite Christmas movie was. That's all fine and dandy, however, there were a few glaring omissions...

1. A Christmas Story. How, pray tell, could any self respecting Christmas movie poll writer leave this little gem out? They should be ashamed of themselves! Even the 30 Second Bunnies Theatre troop felt it important enough to include in their new
here to view. Be'll shoot your eye out...

2. A Wish For Wings That Work. An awesomely funny Berkeley Breathed animated tale. Opus the penguin writes...well...actually, he faxes his letter to Santa expressing his desire to fly after finding little comfort in his "Flightless Bird Support Group"...Robin Williams plays the part of a Kiwi bird whose wife left him for an Albatross...this scene alone is worth the price of admission. Click here to find out more. And if any of you ever see this on DVD anywhere, buy it, buy it, BUY IT!! I'll love you forever.

3. The Nightmare Before Christmas. In my opinion, this is Tim Burton's crown jewel. A beautifully funny and imaginative feat of stop-motion animation. I love Jack Skellington. I want to marry him. Click here to fall in love too.

4. The Ref. OK. This one is not so obvious, but you will bust a gut laughing. Denis Leary plays a thief turned marriage counsellor on Christmas eve. Denis Leary...Kevin Spacey...what more do you want?...yea, yea, here to blah blah blah...I happen to own this one if anyone wishes to borrow it.

5. Toys. One of my favourite Robin Williams movies with a "Hamlet" sort of story line...but without the incestual undertones...and Joan Cusack (sp?) who plays the Ophellia-type character is his sister...robot sister...OK, so it's nothing like "Hamlet" but it does have an evil, underhanded uncle...and LL Cool J...just see the damn movie! It's a lot of fun.

6. Die Hard. 'Nuff said. Yippy-kiyay motherfucker...

There you have it. My list of some of the most over looked Christmas movies. I watched "The Grinch" (the original, not the evil live action monstrosity) twice yesterday thanks to time shifting. I stick my tongue out to all who cannot experience the joys of time shifting...tee hee...

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Something Revisited

Well, with the joyous season of Christmas apon us, I feel the need to revisit The Christmas Resistance Movement. I took another look at their site the other day and when I was finished laughing at their Russian propaganda style poster (which I love, by the way), I got a little upset. I am not a mindless drone who consumes because I am told to. I like buying gifts for people, so I say to them "Stick some holly in it!"

Christian or not, Christmas is a very imortant holiday for us stupid, stupid humans. You see we, by our very nature, are greedy, self centered creatures. We need reminders that there are those around that are important to us and this holiday almost forces us to acknowledge them. I don't see this as a bad thing. That is not to say you have to go broke buying and shopping and spending and fighting in the aisles for the last and latest "Crack Whore Barbie"....

hmmmmm.... Crack Whore Barbie... I think I need to market that... she could have accessories like tiny little compacts to cover those nasty bruises and track lines, crotchless panties and itty-bitty glass pipes...

Anyway, to get to the heart of my point, and I do have one, Christmas is a time of gathering friends and family, and sharing in the "spirit" of giving... giving extra attention, sharing laughs and stories, shovelling your nieghbours driveway or whatever. If this also includes the giving of gifts, then so be it. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING gives me greater satisfaction than finding that perfect gift for someone. Someone in my life this year is getting the perfect gift, but I cannot discuss this until after Christmas... most of you already know what it is... tee hee...

So, by all means, eat, drink and be merry... stick it to those stupid Christmas Resistance Movement people and spread the true meaning of Christmas...

Christ... I sound like an after school special. At least I kept the "Christ" in "Christmas"...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Dog Beaten With Ugly Stick Dies At 14

Sam the Ugliest Dog in the world dies just shy of his 15 birthday. Being the dog lover that I am, I was shocked and more than a little horrified when Rob showed me pictures of the "precious" pooch. That's one fucking ugly dog. You be the judge...'d ya like to wake in the morning to find that thing licking your face...yikes...'nuff said...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Did you know....?

...a little peek at the inner workings of the Slackhopper...

  • I am a closet AC/DC fan (Bon Scott AC/DC) but a public Neil Diamond fan. Why? Not sure...just am...
  • My biggest pet peeve is shopping carts left scattered in the parking lot. Nothing bugs me more than pulling into what I think is a parking spot only to have my plan foiled by someone else's laziness. Grrrrr!
  • I think my husband has the sexiest mouth on the planet...and not just because he is my husband. I thought that long before we even started dating.
  • I never smoked pot until I was 23 years old. And I only ever drank under age twice (in Canada, anyway); at my brother's wedding when I was 14 and at my Mother's wedding when I was 16.
  • I LOVE Madonna's "Ray of Light". Please don't hate me...laugh all you want, but don't hate...
  • When I was a child, I used to think a "Coin Wash" was where you took your money to get cleaned.
  • I was in the Chess Club in elementary school...GEEK!!
  • I own a copy of "Air Supplies Greatest Hits" (on vinyl) and would make out with my highschool sweetheart to it all the time....*shudder*....
  • I once co-owned a 1959 Ford Fairlane Town and Country Sedan with my first boyfriend and we were members of the Sault Street Rod Association for a short time.
  • I took four years of saxophone in highschool and the only thing I can play is "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". I have completely lost the ability to read music.
  • When I was a child, I would not eat things like Kraft Dinner, chocolate cake or hot dogs, but I loved things like brussel spouts, parsnips and liver. I was some what backwards...
  • I find Steven Tyler from Aerosmith sexy.
  • One of my favourite movies ever is "The Breakfast Club"...I will not apologize...
  • I think I am the only woman on the planet who HATES the show "Sex in the City". I find it demeaning and stereo-typical, portraying women as shallow nymphomaniac shopaholics who have nothing better to do than drink cosmopolitans, buy shoes and gossip. It's stupid. I wish it would go away.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It was Frank with a "p" "h"....

Frank McCormick came out to musicians night tonight and played. It was awesome. He was awesome. Way to go, Shit Bitch. Good to see ya again.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

....and what to my wondering eyes should appear...


Between the wind and sunshine and rain and darkness and sleat and near snow, we captured this image today at far the biggest and brightest rainbow I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. Unfortunately it had faded a bit by the time I realized we had a digital camera at work.

Have you been outside today? Not pretty. In fact, it's down right ugly...Toxic Avenger ugly. 30 years ago tomorrow, the Edmund Fitzgerald went down in a huge storm.....hmmmmm....

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Today is my Birthday

So far I've had my right nipple bitten girls, Rob bought me a "CSI Forensic Facial Reconstruction Kit" and I received a happy birthday greeting from the staff at "". It's been very interesting so far. I'll let you know how things work out.

Maybe 35 won't be so bad after all...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

HOLY CRAP!!...I saw U2...

City of Blinding Lights
I Will Follow
The Ocean
Still Haven’t Found
Beautiful Day
Miracle Drug
Sometimes you Can’t Make it On Your Own
Love and Peace or Else
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet The Blue Sky
Miss Sarajevo
Pride in the Name of Love
Where the Streets Have No Name

First Time
Wild Horses
With or Without You

Crumbs From Your Table

Two hours of U2 live. It was freakin' amazing...breath taking...awesome...even from our nose bleed seats. "Wow" is all I can say. I even got a little misty, I'm not embarassed to say, during "Where the Streets Have No Name"...

There were only about two or three songs from the new album I was unfamilliar with. I will be buying it today, hopefully.

U2 live. WOW!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

From House to Maiden and Back Again

So I'm out last night at the Downbeat grooving to Alec's house music, when Dan Nystedt said he was going to Foggy's to video tape Tracey Hilderly's new band, Plethora. I'm totally into the house music and dancing and having a grand old time, but I think "What the hell. I like Tracey. I'll go too."

As we approached Foggy's door, a sense of urgency rushed through me.

"Holy fuck, Dan! They're playing 'Hot Child in the City'. Hurry up!"

Knowing Tracey for as long as I have (going on 30 years!), "Hot Child in the City" was not a surprise and she did a fantastic job. It made me happy. What came next was definitely a surprise.

Pointing at Dan and his camera, Tracey said, "For the sake of my own vanity, we're gonna pull a little number out for you. Well actually, it's a big number." She turned her back to the audience and started the intro speech in the lowest, evilest voice she could muster.

"Is this what I think it is?"

The band kicked in and Tracey let loose the greatest rock and roll scream I have ever heard.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now!?" I exclaimed to absolutely, positively no one. They were doing Maiden...yes...Iron Maiden. "Number of the Beast" to be exact. I couldn't believe my ears and my chin was sweeping the sludge from Foggy's floor. It was the awesomest thing ever.

But wait...there's more...

After Maiden, I heard Ferguson call out for "Sweet". What? Did he just ask for "Sweet"? Right as rain, the follow up to Maiden was "Fox on the Run". All of a sudden I was 8 sitting at the top of the basement stairs while my brother listened to records and made out with his girlfriend. It was killer.

During set break, I manned the camera while Dan interviewed the men's room...while taking a was weird.

So weird in fact, I headed back to the Downbeat for more of DJ Saige's infectious grooves. The joint was jumpin', packed with wannabe ravers and drummers with dreads. Plenty of fun was had by all and I'm sure one or two high jinx ensued throughout the course of the evening.

I decided to close out with a quiet drink at Lop Lops, where I had a very lengthy and in depth discussion with Ken regarding remodelling possibilities for my home. Damn he's good. I guess that's why he's the architect and I'm the loan shark.

I drove to work this morning and CRANKED Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher"...connecting with my derd roots...

Now I am listening to Alec's newly released remix C.D., "Movement". It has come full circle.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"Washing Cheetahs, We Bequeath" Part I; a trip to heaven that almost went to hell in a hand basket.

Two and a half months ago, a frantic e-mail is sent out to many of you from yours truly...

"Who wants to go see Social Distortion in Toronto on October 10, 2005?"

Most responses are "sorry, can't do it" but for two eager people, Beth Boskovitch and Dan Nystedt. YAY!! A plan is set. The three of us are ready to head out on an awesome adventure to Sudbury to see Cuff the Duke then to Toronto to see Social D. Oh what fun we will have! Tickets ordered, gas split 3 ways, accommodations arranged, time booked off...we're ready and raring to go...

As the date approaches, I grow more and more excited to see Social D. again and the chance to redeem myself for making a jackass out of myself the last time in Grand Rapids. Stay sober this time and use your brain for once, Donna, and you will be fine. When you meet Mike Ness again, take a deep breath and be cool. Easy. This plays out in my head for two months.

Thursday October 6, 2005, two days before our set departure date, Dan tenderly breaks the news that due to unforeseen circumstances he will be unable to embark on our long awaited journey to see the greatest punk/rock band ever. DAMN! But that's OK. Beth and I can still go. It will just cost us a little bit more than expected. And Dan's presence will surely be missed, being the wild and crazy ass fun guy that he is...CRAP!

Maybe I can still find a third to take the extra ticket and to split costs and driving...Patti, Craig, Trevor and a bunch of others...all "sorry, no can do." Robbie...yes!...ROBBIE!!...close, but no cigar...SHIT BALLS! I start to get a sinking feeling...

I pose the question to Beth, "If we can't find a third, do you still want to go?" to which she responded with a hesitant half-hearted, "yea, I guess." That sinking feeling just gave birth to a 200 pound baby and it sat on my head. I think I'm coming down with the flu...

Friday October 7, 2005, one day before our set departure date, Beth tenderly breaks the news that due to unforeseen circumstances she will be unable to embark on our long awaited journey to see the greatest punk/rock band ever. FUCK DAMN!! The sinking feeling's baby sitting on my head just kicked me in the ovaries. I officially have the flu and I think I'm getting my period...

Friday, I am NOT in love as "the Cure" may suggest...I am downright MISERABLE!! Not only do I have tickets to a Social D. show I cannot attend, I will be stuck in the Soo all weekend with nothing to do because the only interesting thing going on, Cuff the Duke at the Downbeat, is SOLD OUT! CRAP FUCK SHIT DAMN BALLS!!!

...fuck it...I'll walk to Toronto if I have to...

...hold on...relax and think for a minute, Donna...

Isn't Paul McCartney playing in Toronto the same night as Social Distortion? Yes, I believe he is. Isn't Mike Theriault going down for that show? Yes, I believe he is. A quick and frantic call to Trevor and I have Theriault's number. I call and beg for a lift...

"Hey, yea, no problem, Donna. I'm leaving Saturday. I can pick you up after work." REJOICE!! Get outta here you stupid fat fucking baby and take your sinking feeling with you!

"But I'm not driving into Toronto. I'm staying with Alexis and Brad in Barrie." Hold on may want to come back and sit on my head some more...

"Give me 15 minutes and I'll call Alexis and see if it's OK for you to crash there Saturday night then I can drive you into Toronto Sunday." dead...please play dead...

"Alexis said it was no problem. I'll see you Saturday."

"Sinky" and the evil 200 pounds have officially been euthanized. I do, however, still have the flu...and that other thing?...yea, that too...but I'm gonna see Social Distortion! YAY!!

I do a happy dance...I really do. But then I get dizzy and have to sit down, but the happy dance continues in my head for the next...well...four days, really...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Horton Glues a Who-Ha

The beautiful Mrs. Meghan Cooper sent this story to me via e-mail and I HAD to share. You gents out there may be a bit uncomfortable but you ladies will pee yourself laughing...enjoy!

Laugh out Loud - Waxing (One Woman's Tale of Woe)

All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises of easy, painless removal - The epilady, scissors, razors, Nair and now...the wax.

My night began as any other normal weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, play with the kids. I then had the thought that would ring painfully in my mind for the next few hours: " Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet." So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. It was one of those "cold wax "kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apart and press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair right off. No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? I mean, I'm not a genius, but I am mechanically inclined enough to figure this out. (YA THINK!?!)

So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other stuck together. Instead of rubbing them together, my genius kicks in so I get out the hair dryer and heat it to 1000 degrees. ("Cold wax,"yeah...right!) I lay the strip across my thigh, hold the skin around it tight and pull. It works! OK, so it wasn't the best feeling, but it wasn't too bad.

I can do this! Hair removal no longer eludes me! I am She-rah, fighter of all wayward body hair and maker of smooth skin extraordinaire.

With my next wax strip I move north. After checking on the kids, I sneak back into the bathroom, for the ultimate hair fighting championship. I drop my panties and place one foot on the toilet. Using the same procedure, I applythe wax strip across the right side of my bikini line, covering the right half of my vagina and stretching down to the inside of my butt cheek (Yes, it was a long strip) I inhale deeply and brace myself....RRRRIIIPPP!!!!

I 'm blind!!! Blinded from pain!!!!....OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Vision returning, I notice that I've only managed to pull off half the strip. CRAP!!! Another deep breath and RRIIPP!! Everything is swirly and spotted. I think I may pass out...must stay conscious...Do I hear crashing drums??? Breathe, breathe...OK, back to normal.

I want to see my trophy - a wax covered strip, the one that has caused me so much pain, with my hairy pelt sticking to it. I want to revel in the glory that is my triumph over body hair. I hold up the strip! There's no hair on it. Where is the hair??? WHERE IS THE WAX???

Slowly I ease my head down, foot still perched on the toilet. I see the hair. The hair that should be on the strip. I touch. I am touching wax. CRAP! I run my fingers over the most sensitive partof my body, which is now covered in cold wax and matted hair. Then I make the next BIG mistake...

...remember my foot is still propped up on the toilet? I know I need to do something. So I put my foot down. DAMN!!!!!!!! I hear the slamming of a cell door. Vagina? Sealed shut! Butt?? Sealed shut! I penguin walk around the bathroom trying to figure out what to do and think to>myself " Please don't let me get the urge to poop. My head may pop off! " What can I do to melt the wax? Hot water!! Hot water melts wax!! I'll run the hottest water I can stand into the bathtub, get in, immerse the wax-covered bits and the wax should melt and I can gently wipe it off, right??? *WRONG!!!!!!!*

I get in the tub - the water is slightly hotter than that used to torture prisoners of war or sterilize surgical equipment - I sit. Now, the only thing worse than having your nether regions glued together, is having them glued together and then glued to the bottom of the scalding hot water. Which, by the way, doesn't melt cold wax.

So, now I'm stuck to the bottom of the tub as though I had cement-epoxied myself to the porcelain!! God bless the man who had convinced me a few months ago to have a phone put in the bathroom!!!!! I call my friend, thinking surely she has waxed before and has some secret of how to get me undone. It's a very good conversation starter...

"So, my butt and who-ha are glued together to the bottom of the tub! "

There is a slight pause. She doesn't know any secret tricks for removal but she does try to hide her laughter from me. She wants to know exactly where the wax is located.

" Are we talking cheeks or hole or who-ha? " She's laughing out loud by now...I can hear her. I give her the rundown and she suggests I call the number on the side of the box. YEAH!!!!! Right!! I should be the joke of someone else's night.

While we go through various solutions. I resort to scraping the wax off with a razor. Nothing feels better then to have your girlie goodies covered in hot wax, glued shut, stuck to the tub in super hot water and then dry-shaving the sticky wax off!! By now the brain is not working, dignity has taken a major hike and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need Post-Traumatic Stress counseling for this event.

My friend is still talking with me when I finally see my saving grace....the lotion>they give you to remove the excess wax. What do I really have to lose at this point? I rub some on and OH MY GOD!!!!!!! The scream probably woke the kids and scared the dickens out of my friend. It's sooo painful, but I really don't care. "IT WORKS!! It works!! " I get a hearty congratulation from my friend and she hangs up.

I successfully remove the remainder of the wax and then notice to my grief and despair....THE HAIR IS STILL THERE.......ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. So I recklessly shave it off. Heck, I'm numb by now. Nothing hurts. I could have amputated my own leg at this point.

Next week I'm going to try hair color......

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Corb Lund and Me and Apes that use Tools...

I was at the Corb Lund show at the Downbeat Lounge and you weren't...ha to be you 'cuz it was one fanfreakintastic show!

The house was packed, cowboy hats were donned by many and the tall, handsome ex-Smalls singer played and sang his heart out. I had never heard such loud crowds at the Downbeat before and it was well deserved. He is an amazing singer/songwriter backed by the "Hurtin' Albertans" of the tightest bands around. Everyone in attendance had a hootnanny of a good time.

Here is a photo of Corb and I...

Me 'n Corb

Thanks T-Bone for sending me the photo...

If you have no idea who Corb Lund is check out his website and find the answers you seek; Who is Corb Lund? Where does he come from? What is his music like? Why is he wearing a "Slayer" t-shirt?

And now for something completely different........

The news a few nights ago gave me goose bumps. They were airing a report about apes...apes in the wild...apes in the wild using tools...VERY cool. Apparently, this was the first time apes have been observed in the wild using tools. Other primates, chimps and the like, have been seen using tools in captivity, scooping peanut butter out of a plastic tube with a stick. But the photos of the wild apes were almost chilling.

The nice news people reported that one female ape waded into a pond-like water source and did not like the fact that the chilly water reached levels beyond her waist. She left the water, gathered herself a long pole and used it to measure how deep the water was, ensuring she did not wade too deep...SHE WAS MEASURING HOW DEEP THE WATER WAS!! I have no words to express how cool I think this is...

For a full news story about this fascinating topic, click here. The photo included with the story is of the amazing measuring ape I spoke of. Go there...go there NOW and be in awe.

Never before have I seen such obvious evedence of evolution. It ran me over and rendered me speechless. I love it!

Take that you lousey Creationists!!! (now wave your fist in the air vigorously...)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

blah, blah, blah.....

I'm about to ramble on about the past week...ready?

The Sault Orleans benefit concert was a success and I would like to thank everyone involved for all of your contributions and hard work.

First and fore most, Mike Prentice for your vision and enthusiasm. Your heart is as big as...well're a big fella, so it makes sense your heart is big too.

Adrian Vilaca for your ideas and being the go-to guy.

Craig West for managing and coordinating the run one tight schedule...good job!

Curt O'Neil for the beautiful website and putting up with our constant pesky e-mails.

George Ravlich for the awesome sound production...and for only freaking out a little bit when your gear got wet!

Dan Nystedt for the fantastic multimedia presentation...I know it was more than a little hectic for a bit there, but you pulled it together beautifully!

Louisa Van Lith and the volunteers from the Red Cross for braving the storm and getting drenched for the cause.

Uncle Max and Mike's mom (sorry, didn't catch your name) for making one hell of a gumbo!

Sherie Gladu and "A Thymely Affair" for the amazing entrance way. And both Pat and Sherie for letting me use their studio to paint the sign, and for all your help doing so.

Allie Russon for all your running around and bead and balloon gathering...your Jack Russell is ALMOST as cute as mine...

Tracey Hilderly for doing a fantastic emcee job...and for being my partner in crying during the video presentation.

The girls from the "Pita Pit" for managing the gumbo sales.

The owners and staff of "Smack Daddy's" for providing the alcohol and contributing 50 cents per unit sold to the Red Cross.

Local Steel Workers Union 2251 for their Red Cross donation of $!

A HUGE group hug for all the musicians that donated their time and talents for the cause; Brass Tax, Stifler's Mom, the Malcontents (way to give Mother Nature the finger, boys!), the Sault Swing Band, Lindsay Pugh (love that Dobro!), DJ Saige (it's just a little's still good, it's still good...), the Chris Belsito Band, Big Wheel and the Spokes (ya handsome devils!) and the Jay Scali Quattro. Those spectators who withstood the horrid weather conditions did so because of you.

To all of our sponsors, thank you. This event would not have happened without you.

To anyone else I have forgotten, my thanks and apologies...I tend to suffer brain farts now and again...

Being a part of this event made me happy.

For the rest of my week, I did a whole lot of not much. Friday night I ventured out to the Down Beat Lounge to see "Slow Nerve Action". This made me happy. But alas, the band was stranded west of Thunder Bay and could not make it. This made me VERY sad. But I managed to catch the "Inner City Surfers" at foggy Notions and this made me happy. Also went to the Greyhound season opener...happy! But we lost...sad.

Thursday and Saturday nights I worked at Lop Lops and made a bit of pocket money. This made me happy. But I had to work Sunday loan

Monday I spent a good portion of the day farting around on the computer...this always makes me happy. I am still unable to get my C.D. burner to work, however...much sadness...not to mention frustration and annoyance. Monday night, Krista and I played a mean game of scrabble. Not just any scrabble, but "Super Scrabble"...oh so happy! But I lost...bummer days.

So there it bipolar week in a nut shell.

Oh...I almost forgot...less than two weeks 'til Social Distortion...happy, happy, HAPPY!!!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Unsafe Sex

So, whilst engaging in blissful slug-like, channel surfing behaviour late Saturday night, I was about to head to bed but thought I'd give my dish one more look through to see if anything worth while was on. It was almost 4 in the a.m. I was doubtful.

And then I found it...."Kondom des Grauens" or "Killer Condom".

Any one who knows me knows I am a fanatic for b-grade flicks, so naturally I HAD to check this little gem out. I was laughing out loud to myself within the first 30 seconds.

OK--OK, check this out, yo. It's a German "film" set present day in New York City and the lead character is a short, fat, chain smoking tough cop named Luigi Macaroni. Oh, did I mention he was also gay? The "film" doesn't get really good until a condom bites off his right testicle while he attempted to get his groove on with a young little man-whore after dumping his REEEAAALLY ugly cross-dressing boyfriend, Bob...or Babette at the central location of most of the "film", the "Hotel Quickie".

Did you happen to retain the whole "biting condom" concept in the above bizaare synopsis? Yes, a killer condom...a ravenous rubber with huge fangs and an appetite for blood...and a cute little squeeky voice, much like the voice Ash's lopped off hand had in "Evil Dead II". Classic.

By the time I went to bed at 4:30, not only had the carniverous contraceptive appropriated one of poor Luigi's nads, it had also killed 13 other men by...well...I'm sure you can figure that out. I never made it to the end of the "film" to find out why/how/where this evil condom came from. My need for sleep was far too great. But thanks to the miracle of satellite T.V. and the "Drive-Inn" channel, I'm sure another viewing of this classic is not far off.

Monday, September 12, 2005


As you may or may not be aware, a benefit has been organized to raise funds to aid those affected by Hurricane Katrina. The event, spear headed by Mike Prentice, will take place on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 at the Roberta Bondar Pavilion from 5 to 11pm.

There will be plenty of food, entertainment and chances for you to donate whatever you can to the Red Cross.

For full event details, please visit the "Sault Ste. Marie for Katrina Relief" website .

A challenged has been issued by our first sponsor, Herbal Magic, for other local businesses to sponsor the event. Answer the challenge and give generously.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


This is a direct quote from Barbara Bush as she, George senior and former president Bill Clinton visited the Houston Astrodome where many of the evacuees from Hurricane Katrina were housed...

" many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."

To read the full story, click the title of this post.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Cried at Work Today

As I looked images of the utter devastation left behind by Hurricane Katrina, I realized just how lucky I was. I've always said it but never really had it demonstrated so drastically....

These people have lost everything and the loss continues to mount as the toxic water burying New Orleans festers in the hot humid weather.... and Tropical Storm Nate and Hurricane Maria are heading in their direction....

The E-Coli infested water is now being pumped out of New Orleans into the Mississippi River or Lake Pontchartrain, inevitably resulting in ecological devastation that will continue for years to come.... in North America has changed forever...

Friday, September 02, 2005

It Serves Me Right, I Guess...

When I posted the "White Trash" photo of Pat Gladu and I on my photo blog, I was thinking the three people who bother to look at the damn thing would be the only ones to see the opposite of flattering photo...I thought it would be funny...

...stupid me...

It turns out that two "friends" of mine conspired against me...two people I have never once slandered, snubbed or socially humiliated...two people I have only supported and been nice to...

Beth Boskovitch and Chris Belsito, be warned! I am getting quite good at photoshop and I have in my devilish little hands many photos of the both of you. Remember: Paybacks are a bitch and revenge is a dish best served cold...

To those who have no idea what I am talking about, click here. See what my wonderful "friends" did to me? But I suppose it does serve me right for (a) trusting Beth to take the photo and have it in her possession, (b) posing for the picture in the first place and (c) posting it on my photo blog.

That's one lesson learned. Now the two of them get to learn NEVER fuck with a scorpio...


So I just realized that I cannot link directly to the SooToday page with the incriminating photo. So just click on the link in the body of the post and select the heading "Be Brainwashed by Our Hot and Sexy 4-Day Arts and Entertainment Outlook"...I know you won't be laughing AT me but laughing WITH me, so go ahead...laugh...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (a title by Stanley Kubrick for a story by Donna Hopper)

I fancy myself a creative sort.

I am often found painfully hunched over a project,sculpting ...carving ...scribbling ...birthing my latest inspiration. This happens in cycles and I inevitably collapse with a tired brain, bleeding eyes and an overwhelming sense of immense satisfaction, gazing like a proud parent at my offspring. Thankfully this process almost never results in post-partum depression.

Following such an ordeal, a creative draught ensues. During this dry season, "The Simpsons" and "CSI" dim my wits...stunt my creative growth...dowse my artistic fire, causing the moths of inspiration to flit towards a brighter flame.

Wow...perhaps I should serve some crackers with that cheese...

Anyway, my most recent dry spell was longer than most. It began to worry me. Friends and fans of past work asked, "Donna, why don't you make jewellery/sculpt/draw/photograph/paint any more?" to which I never had a satisfactory response. I honestly didn't know.

Thinking back, I now understand it was the result of various accumulated frustrations. Lack of support, theft of my original ideas and disappointment at my own short comings are the big three. Embracing my lethargy, I became content to sit back and observe the artistic world from the side lines.

Not long ago, I was invited to partake in the embellishment of the wall surrounding the new arena construction site. Thinking it would be a prime photo session rather than an artistic work out, I agreed to make an appearance. This appearance created an obsession.

The first day of painting was fun, sweaty and productive. I managed to complete two "paint and brush" pieces and was quite pleased with their outcome. I also shot almost an entire roll of black and white.

The following day, I returned and began work on a third, somewhat uninspired piece. Thinking to myself,"Self, you can't make it look any worse. You might as well." I reached for a can of spray paint.

As I gently shook the can and listened to the little mixing ball inside chatter, a blast of anticipation swept through me. With a long "psssht", I had officially defaced my own work...and it was beautiful. A loud, maniacal giggle erupted from me and I was hooked.

As I looked at the swirling, misty line I had sprayed across the wall, the true potential of this taboo art form became evident. I spent the rest of the night spraying and giggling and shaking those chattering cans until darkness inhibited me and my hand cramped to the point of tears...tears both from pain and from the inability to continue the graffiti.

For the next three days, I completely forgot about my camera and worked through the hand cramps.

I have since ravenously devoured this new found love for graffiti and have been researching artists, designing my own "tag" and scoping out local spots I would love to "bomb".....that's right, I'm down with the lingo....I even have my own spray can trigger (thanks Beth) and two "Sharpie Magnums" for those finishing touches. I am armed and ready. You may someday soon see my name in the "Police Files" for my beautiful crimes, but it will all be in the name of art.

My migration to the art of bombing, now, seems only natural. I have, long ago, embraced the sub-culture surrounding this art form....skateboarding, punk rock, the need for self expression....and with my latest wake up call, I plan to hopefully remove the stigma inhibiting this urban form of expression.

Well, there it is. My story of how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. Change your perspective and look at graffiti as an art form rather than a crime and you, too, can love the bomb.

* This story was originally written for the September 2005 issue of Articulations. No, I did NOT paint the artwork which appears with this story. I do, however, hope to be this good someday.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

My Apologies to Big Suit

I am sending my apologies to the members of Big Suit for the addition of their website to my links...I know the link does not work, but I added it so a not so geeky computer geek can investigate the strange behaviour of the link between my blog and your site. It will be removed Friday in order to give him enough time to figure things out.

Thank you for your patience and sorry for offending anyone...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to The Resistance...

So I had a crazy punk rock weekend...

It all started Saturday night at the Downbeat Lounge. The The Flatliners were playing. They are a young, loud ska-punk band and a lot of fun...I enjoyed them very much. Sweet young lads....they showered me with merch....

Sunday night, Rob, Beth and I ventured out to the Oddfellows Hall to see the punk show. First on the bill was the Sault's own "Soldiers of Misfortune". They did a punk version of "Hot For Teacher" and I love them because of it.

Next up was an out of town band called "The Resistance". While doing a google search for the bands website in order to include a link to it here, I came across some interesting sights....white power....Iraqi war stuff....WWII stuff...but the most interesting one was The Christmas Resistance Movement ....I says 'pardon?'.... their tag line is "End the compulsory Christmas gift-giving madness!"

While they plead and interesting case against the tradition of Christmas, citing consumer debt, corporate greed and excess waste, I still think these people may be one candle short of a menorah. Check out the crazy Russian propaganda style poster!

Needless to say, I never did find a website for the band "The Resistance" which is unfortunate....they were my favourite part of the evening....nasty Joan Jett-type female singer backed by Distilleresque punk rock. I highly recommend finding them if you can....very cool....

The abrasive thrash-metal-punk-whatever band "Protest the Hero" was the third act of the evening. Couldn't get into them so much...too heavy for my taste but good at what they do....I guess....

After a short toke and a munchie run to Dairy Queen, we got to hear Death By Stereo and I enjoyed them....louder and harder than I remembered, but I enjoyed them regardless....

So all in all, it was a fun evening. We all had a good time once we got past the fact that we were twice the age of 99.9% of the audience. Got to observe the local punk youth in their natural habitat....quite interesting, colourful and violent....I could write a thesis....

An Open Letter....

This is an open letter to the individual who messed with my blog...

You see, I like to support my friends and a lot of my friends have bands and I like to link to their websites from my blog in order to show them that I support them and to give them extra exposure. Now, to make my blog permanently link to a picture of a squirrel with giant nads when I want to link to the "Big Suit" website is annoying, immature and NOT FUCKING COOL!! Grow the fuck up....

Just because you're a computer geek, living in your parents basement, popping zits and praying for the day you finally get laid, that's no excuse for hacking into other people's blogs...don't hate me because I have a life.

To everyone else....

The Big Suit website is up and running and looks really good. I would link to it here, but I can't...I would fix it but I don't know how 'cuz I'm not a computer geek and I have a life... so here is the check it out. Nice job, Brian.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

I know it's not even September yet, but October is gonna be great!

I'm excited for October and here's why;

1. October 29 is my presents will be fine, thank you...

2. I'm taking a road trip with Beth and Dan on which we will see Cuff the Duke in Sudbury at the Townehouse and then see....are you ready?....SOCIAL DISTORTION!!! again in Toronto at the Kool Haus. I'm VERY excited! I know I just saw Social D. not too long ago, but I can't wait to see them again....

3. Another road trip will be happening at the end of October on which a large group of us will be going to see U2 in Aubern Hills, MI. VERY cool....

4. Halloween is my favourite holiday and it so happens to be in October.

I love October....

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Super Fun Guy Has a Blog


The ultimate source of ham from Buskerfest 2005 has a blog...I repeat, the Cow Guy has a to it by clicking
here, or go to the "Brainwave Overload" link under the "Blogs, Rants and Stuff" heading.

It's a fun blog with interesting busker tales, a photo of Schwing Action, a letter written to alcohol and a shout out to...ME!! He even published my review of his performance in the Soo. My lawyers will be in contact soon, Brian, but don't let one little law suit get between friends, K?

Friday, August 19, 2005

My Friends are Freaks...

I hang out with some interesting characters. They say a lot of strange things. They need to be documented.

You will notice under "Slackhopper's Stuff and Things" I have added the "Quote of the Week". If you see me suddenly laugh, pull out a pen and paper from my purse and start to write furiously, you'll know why.

Be warned....

Monday, August 15, 2005

Bouncing Native Cow Greets the Home Boy

image019 I was honoured at the thought of Olympic athletes being in our fair city and I had sky high expectations of Spring Action. The champion trampoline troup, coached by Heather McManus who represented Canada at the 2004 Olympics, delivered stellar performances to very loud and awestruck audiences through out the weekend.

Sean McManus played the bumbling, idiot clown as he executed some the most impressive stunts I have ever seen. The incredible shape he must be in to not actually hurt himself as he flips and flails on and off of the trampoline is almost incomprehensable. I found myself holding my breath for most of the show. They were definitely the big crowd pleaser of Buskerfest 2005.

With the lack of a website, I had no idea what to expect from Ash and Ruben Fasthorse. The only information I had was they were native and they danced....that was it. After seeing their first show, I was pleasently surprized.

Ruben is a very funny fellow who warms up the crowd joking about modern natives and political correctness. With quick head-dress and costume changes,he juggles, dances and sings to his wife, Ash. Then Ash performs some beautiful dances as she spins poi (sp?); vibrant flowing fabric during the day, and fire at night.

The highlight for me is the crazy hoop dance that Ruben does, the name of which I have forgotten. It is beautiful, entertaining and requires a great deal of balance, endurance and skill. Out of breath, he jokes at the end of the dance, "Try doing that at 34 years old." I don't think I could do it at 14 years old.

Cow Guy
Multi-talented, super fun guy, Brian Wilson (AKA the Cow Guy) was our second repeat peformer at Buskerfest 2005. This time he arrived sans partner and still managed to have the impact of two performers.

Utilizing the skills he acquired through professional clown and circus training, he juggles, balances, spins, manipulates fire, jokes, makes balloon creations, plays with yo-yos, lassoo's young children and entertains like no other. He even poses for the camera at just the right moments...and he's just a really nice dude.

But I think his underwear is the real star of the Cow Guy show....if you caught his performance, you know what I am talking about.

Aside from what some in the community may think, Buskerfest does support our local talent. This year the Sault's supreme illusionist, Ryan McFarling, had the opportunity to demonstrate his freaky slight-of-hand skills.

During his Friday night performance in which he did a "Penn and Teller" type "this is how all magic is done" walk-through of a trick, he turned it around and tricked us anyway...a master of re-direction, he is. This kid is gonna go places.

Well, there it performer reviews for Buskerfest 2005. Now, you may be thinking, "She HAS to say good things about everyone because she was one of the organizers." While that may be true, I truly did thoroughly enjoy every performance at this year's festival. And I am pleased as punch that I could be a part of bring such world-class entertainment to Sault Ste. Marie. I plan on doing it all again next year.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Man with Hats, A Slack Rope (not the Rob Slack kind) and Some Junk

So I may or may not have mentioned to all of you, but Buskerfest was this past weekend.......and it was AWESOME!!!........and the fact that at this moment I feel as though I've been training for a marathon, does not deminish my over all feeling of accomplishment and glee at a job well done. The 2005 festival was, without a doubt, a smashing success.

This blog entry will highlight the talents and antics of three of our seven ubber talented performers.

Dan the One Man Band, a crowd favourite from Buskerfest 2004, returned to once again share his charm, slightly bent humour, amazing music and a couple of shots of "Janis".

As a big supporter of original music, I was happy to see Dan perform some of his own material this year...I bought his C.D....and a t-shirt.....and the crowd loved it as well. He signed some autographs, sang some Britney Spears, recited a portion of "Shrek" and had kids (and one crazed fan) in tow during every performance.

I would love to break the Busker Festival unwritten rule and have Dan back for our third year. The crowds love him, the Buskerfest organizers love him, he has a lot of funky hats and he made no children cry.

A velvet-voiced camel and a lap-dancing temptress were Mr. Bunk's travelling companions during his first appearance in Sault Ste. Marie. When I met him at the airport, his first question to me was, "So what's the big industry in Sault Ste. Marie?" to which I responded, "Drinking" much to the dismay of a certain Buskerfest Committee member....oh well....

The first half of Mr. Bunk's show is completely silent, during which he pranks on unsuspecting audience members with water pistols, lolly pops (he's a genius with a lolly pop) and maybe a mouse trap or hillarious example of improv at its best.

With a change of his shirt, he finds his voice and thus begins the audience participation portion of the Mr. Bunk show. Offering a variety of dance lessons, the chance to showcase limbo abilities and the opportunity to be a part of the sexiest lap dance-card trick combo I have ever witnessed, his show demands attention.

The audience is then privy to an amazing display of Mr. Bunks stunt-comedy genius as he fumbles and bumbles his way onto the slack rope to take a stroll and juggle some awesome show full of variety, laughs and the unexpected....and he....well...he did make one child cry.....damn lolly pops.....

The second musical act of Buskerfest 2005, Junkyard Symphony are captivating in more ways than one. Every female within sight of the stage is immediately entranced by their dashing good looks and infectious drum grooves created on kits made entirely out of recycled materials. They even come supplied with their own "applause" old "Cheer" laundry detergent box....brilliant.

Trashcan Tony and Junkyard Jonny start the show by demonstrating their percussion skills as they play junk together. A short pause is taken to educate the audience about the hand signals that will be used during their performance so that spectators may participate with out verbal instruction....and the drumming continues.

Tony beats a constant rythum as Jonny (with some help from the audience) performs a series of balancing stunts, tricks, dancing, juggling and the chugging of some strange pink liquid. I later found out it is a combination of water and fruit juice.

They are talented, earth-friendly, handsome, funny and they drive a crazy "Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine" like van. Junkyard Symphony made no children cry....maybe a few ladies, though.....

Stay tuned, folks, for my continuing coverage of Buskerfest 2005. Four more acts will be profiled as well as some behind the scenes stories and out takes......

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My "Freaks" Reference...

"Gooble-gobble-gooble-gobble, one of of us..."

Yes, anyone who has seen Tod Brownings 1932 horror classic, "Freaks" will either laugh uncontrollably or shiver with the heebie-jeebies at hearing the haunting phrase.

For those of you who did not understand the title of my previous post, this is it's origin, chanted as the evil-temptress-villain-slut gets her just desserts.

Whether or not you are a fan of b-grade films, this movie is a must see just for all the authentic, truly unbelievable, honest to goodness, real freaks in the film. Ever seen a man with no arms and no legs light a cigarette? I's cool.......

Just trust me and see the damn movie...

Gooble, Gobble, One of us, One of us...

It is my pleasure to announce Robert Slack has joined the land of Blog. You may visit his site by clicking the link to the right of the page. It's called "Flinging Pooh"... don't ask me...he's gone a little soft in the brain the past few years...I had nothing to do with it, I swear!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Photo Blog Launched

Well, my pretties... I have started my photo Blog, to which you may find a link to just under my profile... be patient... there is only one picture there as of yet, but rest assured, more are to come soon... I have a whole stock pile of fun pix to show the world...

This may just give me the kick in the butt I needed to go out and buy a digital camera... but SLR is so much fun! I'll just have to go to Craig's house and use his scanner...?...right, bro?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Hot Topic

Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum was John Stewart tonight discussing his book "It's About the Family". As the title suggests, the book is about same-sex marriage and traditional family values...a topic I feel very strongly about. I do not share the Senators opinion and neither does John Stewart. But the two played nice and both delivered intelligent arguements, so I have no choice but to respect the Senator.

John Stewart raised an interesting point about traditional marriage. The marriage of today is usually, or better yet, IDEALLY a union of a man and a woman who are in love for the purpose of raising virtuous, moral children in a wholesome family environment. But as history has proven time and time again, the IDEAL anything is difficult and short lasting. The ideal marriage up until about 150 years ago was about the acquisition of wealth and property, and children were just an extension or an expression of said wealth. Sons were deemed of higher value, while daughters had to be accompanied by livestock or property to been seen as suitable for marriage. This ideal changed (thank you) as most ideals do.

The part about the debate of same-sex marriage that makes me laugh (but not in a funny way) is this, and I beg you to bear with me because sometimes I have a hard time explaining myself, so this may not make much sense....

Those against same-sex marriage claim it is unchristian and harmful to society as a whole because it undermines the traditional definition of family. By granting homosexual couples the freedom to marry, they feel they are GIVING UP something. But it would be more an act of altruism (the unselfish concern for the welfare of others), probably the most christian thing one can do. Unfortunately, humans by their very nature are greedy and self serving, no matter how "christian" they claim to be.

"But won't someone please think of the children!" is the cry from the Christians. I have and you know what? Most children I knew growing up would have been better off in any family other than the one they had, same-sex or not. A so called "traditional" marriage is not a guarantee of a nurturing, ideal childhood. For me, homosexuals raising children is such a non-issue, it's laughable. If an individual of same-sex orientation can save the lives of those in a car wreck, then by God they're more than able to raise a child! More able than me, that's for sure.

In my opinion, same-sex marriage is a benefit to society, creating higher self esteem and self worth for a very large portion of the population, thus creating a more productive and happier society as a whole with less conflict and strife.

Thank God we live in Canada and this has already been made law. But there are those in our community who like to revert us back to the stone age...don't worry...I have my eye on them...they won't get far if I have anything to do about it...

I could be just talking out my ass right now and I do believe I am starting to ramble, but that was my two cents. This issue deserves at least four cents so please feel free to input.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Well...what does everyone think of the new and improved Slackhopper Blog?

As you can see, I have added a multitude of interesting links, organized into catagories, to keep everyone busy and entertained. Please let me know if there are any of your favourite sites, blogs, stuff and things you think I should add and I will make it so.

There are more changes to come although the over all look will remain the same. Hopefully within the next couple of days, I will have my photo blog up and running and linked to this one. Check back soon and thanks for visiting...

Thursday, July 21, 2005



I am currently in the process of renovating my blog, trying to make it easier to blog from home. Plus the other template was getting too busy for me. Besides, this one so happens to be my favourite colour. I promise that once the changes are made I will blog more often, so please excuse my dust and bear with me...or better yet, be bare with me...teehee...

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Where is Everybody?

Last night I had the pleasure to witness, yet another fantastic out of town original musical experience. But where the hell was everybody? The small but appreciative crowd that came out to the Downbeat Lounge to hear Slow Nerve Action danced, laughed and demanded an encore. With a song about "chewin' vagina", how could we not have a good time? It was a performance not to be missed...but it was by many.

The Downbeat Lounge not only supports our local musical heros with regular performances by Chris Belsito, Startlefish and The Inner City Surfers, but is also a great source for up-and-coming national talent. Some of the more notables being; Cuff the Duke, Rae Spoon, Joel Plaskett, the Agriculture Club, Bocephus King , Blue Quarter, Bedouin Sound Clash, New Shady Groove , Mr. Something Something , Novillero, Lindy , the Swiftys, the Wheat Monkeys and the Ultimate Power Duo ...just to name a few...

But it is cause for intense head scratching whilst listening to inspired original music in a half empty bar. I don't get it. Is it lack of advertising? Is it lack of interest? Are the locals just not cool?

It is a pattern for this city I have noticed during my extensive drinking and live music listening career. Chancy's, Zak's, Club Princess, Foggy Notions, Lop Lops...the unfortunate absence of support is everywhere.

Last week during the awe-inspiring performance of Moses Mayes, Trevor turned to me and asked, "Is this all the cool people in the city?" referring to the modest audience. I guess out of a population of 65 000, there are only about 40 cool people in Sault Ste. Marie. I am thankful that most of them are my friends.

I am also thankful that Trevor and Amanda continue to bring in world class entertainment for my listening pleasure. I hope they do not get discouraged. The multitude of out of town acts have vastly expanded my C.D. and t-shirt collections, as well as my music appreciation.

Thanks guys. Keep it up.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

This Ain't No Motley Crue Show, Honey...The Final Chapter

Following the frantic purchase of 5 shirts at the merch booth (mine being a Black Kat Kustoms white wife-beater, of course), we headed out back to hang by the Social D. tour bus. The crowd there was small but enthusiastic. Booby girl was there, flashing her tits to anyone who asked...and at the tour bus...she REALLY wanted on that bus. I was chatting and sharing my Canadian cigarettes with a very nice girl, whose name I neglected to get. We were having fun but we all wanted to meet Mike Ness in a bad way.

Beth just wanted a souvenir from the show...a t-shirt just wasn't good enough, I guess. Her brilliant idea was to appropriate the license plate from the tour bus...go for it, baby...I'll be your look out. I had faith in her and her multi-tool...but alas, the multi-tool was one tool short and she gave up.

Rejoining the rest of the gang empty handed, I began talking with Alyssha, AKA booby girl. Her boyfriend is the most patient man on the planet...that's all I'll say.

Trevor disappeared behind the bus after taking Beth's mult-tool, but also returned empty handed...oh well. Shaking his head, the always reasonable Rob told us "You don't steal the license plate from a band that you like! That just screws them over." Good point...never thought about the possible consequences...ooops.

Okay...I'd waited long enough. I wanted to meet Mike Ness NOW! Just as I was about to flash MY boobies at the bus, a security dude came out and asked that we all extinguish our cigarettes...Mr. Ness was not coming out if we were smoking. WHAMMO...about 20 cigarettes hit the pavement and we held our breath...

All attention was on Mike Ness as he emerged from the bus. Inconspicuous was Johnny Two Bags who was wandering around the crowd. Beth was chatting with him, not realizing who he was...he even gave her a Baby Ruth chocolate bar after she mentioned she was hungry. Alyssha took notice of this and was a bit jealous, I think. Slinking over to them she said to Johnny, "I like candy. I like Tootsie Rolls" as she inserted her index finger into her mouth, rather suggestively, and sucked on it whilst removing it. BOY she wanted on that bus BAD! The classic response from Johnny Tow Bags was, "This ain't no Motley Crue show, honey." DEE-NIED!! It's good to know that a nice set of tits doesn't always get you what you want...

Joining Beth and Johnny, I got his autograph as Beth told me the tale of the chocolate bar and booby girl...we laughed.

Rob had the whole band sign his ticket. Trev was next in line to get Mike Ness' autograph. Handing him a pink girlie T, Trev felt the need to confirm his masculinity, and stated, "This is for my girl". Mike looked up at him with a thats-pretty-obvious-dude grin on his was amusing.

I was next. I was nervous. It was Mike Freakin' Ness! Rob gave me a shove and there I was standing next to him. I looked down...WOW!...I had no idea he was short...his stage presence is so dynamic and huge. I proceeded to make a jack ass out of myself. "I have so many other peoples sweat all over me because of you and it's so cool!" is what I said to him. I became one of my own pet that say stupid things to their idols...IDIOT!

He looked up at me with this "Okay, what ever lady" look on his face and signed my shirt. Yep, I made quite the impression...drunk, smelly, babbling like an idiot wearing a mangled cowboy hat. I kinda wished I was booby girl at that point.

But the stupidity didn't stop there. The first thing I did after he signed my shirt was light a cigarette. I'm such a fucking moron! Grabbing me by the arm, Rob quickly pulled me away, reminding me about the whole smoking thing...SHIT!...I put it out.

Satisfied with our spoils, we decided to find a bar, have some beverages and discuss the show. Passing the bus, we noticed the license plate was gone...interesting...probably removed by security so idiots like us wouldn't steal it...ooops again.

Trev and Beth had to pee. Trev peed in a ditch. Beth couldn't do it. We went to the strip joint, but were not willing to pay $5.00 each to get in. Beth still had to pee. A peeler took Beth by the hand and took her to the bathroom...what a nice stripper lady.

Our only other adult beverage option was a pool hall that said "Casino" on their sign...but it wasn't a casino. Rob knew it wasn't a casino, but how, we're not sure...not that we wanted to gamble or anything, but the sign said "Casino". How did he know it wasn't a casino? It was perplexing and we obsessed on the whole casino thing until we got inside and realized, indeed, it was a pool hall and not a casino...very odd.

We took our places at the bar, ordered a jug of Blue and discussed the show. We all came to the same was AWESOME! We talked with the bartender for a bit, he ordered pizza for us and we headed back to the hotel.

In the room, we scarffed down the pizza, drank more beer and watched "Saturday Night Live". I took some goofy pictures and we crashed out around 1:00am...well, most of us crashed.

Trev snores REALLY loud. I snore pretty loud, but only when I've been drinking. Beth's snore is more like a purr. That left Rob wide awake for most of the night.

In the morning, I opened my eyes to see Trev trying to snuggle with Rob. It was too cute...I took a picture. Rob woke up cranky.

Beth reported over hearing Rob mutter under the snores, "Jesus Christ, just let me sleep." He said at one point during the night, he tried to sleep on the floor by the door...he even thought about getting his own room. Poor guy...I'm so sorry, honey.

We gathered our stuff and checked out hung over. Off to Denny's for breakfast...a very expensive breakfast but at least the juice wasn't served in a shot glass....mmmmm, hydration....

We were on the road back to the Sault by noon.

The ride home was fun, listening to Mike Ness and Social Distortion all the way. Beth and I slept a good portion of the way in the back seat...we felt safer back there, unable to see our near-deaths.

We stopped in Petoskey for a bit to look around and have lunch, which proved difficult. It seem s every restaurant in town is closed Sundays...every place Beth recommended was closed. We ended up at a coffee shop called the "Roast and Toast"...very cool place and I highly suggest you try it while visiting Petoskey.

After a short customs search at the Sault boarder, we arrived home by 6:00.

It was one hell of a show, not to be soon forgotten. I can't wait to see them again...

Friday, June 03, 2005

This Ain't No Motley Crue Show, Honey...Part II (Licked by an Elephant)


This is what Mike Ness may have looked like in my pictures...FUCK!!!...okay...I'm over it now. Not really, but I'll pretend that I am...for your sake...

We missed the first act, The Eyeliners, an all girl punk band signed to Joan Jett's label, Blackheart Record Group. Apparently they're quite good, so here is their
website for your listening and viewing enjoyment.

The next act, whose name escapes me, was very hardcore, very loud and pretty damn good...way better than "Johnny Petoskey"...buncha angry young men...Beth described the lead singer as a combination of Jack White and Craig West...hmmmm...interesting...long lost brother perhaps?

They left the stage and I was happy...happy because it was almost Mike Ness time...intermission music played...the Clash, the Ramones and a SMOKIN' version of "Black Betty" I ended up tracking down through "Lime Wire"...a band called "Spiderbait"...very cool...

Link Wray's Rumble cut through the smoke and called everyone to the stage, making us aware that something intense was about to happen. Rob disappeared into the crowd to secure his spot in front of the stage. Trev hung back to guard drinks and stay out of the way. Beth held my purse in her bigger purse. The Band took the stage and my nipples got hard.

He spoke...

"Awfully fucking early for a rock and roll show, isn't it?" It was about 7:30 at this point. "Let's get this Motherfucker started!" I was pleased to see he was on stage sans eyeliner...time to ditch the cosmetics, Mike, you've out grown them...

They were about one verse into the opening song, "Mommy's Little Monster", when I was overcome by a sudden urge to dive into the mosh pit. After all, Mike Ness could not spot me, fall in love and insist I fly away with him if I was hiding at the back of the room, now could he...I went for it.

Pushing and prying my way through mass of writhing, sweaty, smelly people was more fun than I anticipated. I spotted my opportunities and took them quickly. I would hover over some little girly girl, knowing she would not be able to last too long...sure enough, she would eventually look up at her boyfriend, terrified, and they would leave, letting me slip right in...the fact that I was pushing extra hard and being extra rough to these girls had nothing to do with it...

I was paid back...lost my hat a couple of times...had to sacrifice my image to save the hat by securing the chin strap...yep, I looked like a fucking dork, but I knew Mike wouldn't kicked in the head I don't know how many times...almost lost my glasses a few times...lots of elbows in the feet were not touching the ground for a while, and when they were, they got crushed...IT WAS SO MUCH FUCKING FUN!!!! Even Beth could not resist the call of the pit, and ventured in for the last half of the show.

Mid-way through the show, Mike brought an adorable little girl onto the stage...the same little girl Trev had on his shoulders for a while. He delivered a speech about how much he appreciates all the "old timers" who have supported him these past 20 odd years. All the young guys around Rob turned and looked at him...sorry, dude...then Mike went on to say how important it was to teach the young ones not to make the same mistakes we did, following which they played "Prison Bound"...fitting...and the highlight of the show for Rob.

My highlight was "Story of My Life" and I danced as much as one could dance in such close quarters.

The highlight of the show for the band was when some...I think the term "broad" best describes up on her boyfriend's shoulders, pulled down her red and white striped tube top and flashed her boobs to Mike Ness. "Wow. Wasn't expecting that. I've lost my train of thought." said Mr. Ness. I can understand why...those breasts were real and quite impressive...she should be proud. There is more about boobie girl to come later.

"I better hear all you Motherfuckers singing to this one!" was Mike's order to the crowd as they played Ring of Fire ...we complied and the crowd surfers were exceptionally busy, as well as was one hell of a fucking rib crushing, ear bleeding, breath taking, sweat inducing, painful but fun, goddamn fucking awesome show!

I felt like I had been licked by an elephant when I emerged from the pit....

Monday, May 30, 2005

This Ain't No Motley Crue Show, Honey...Part I ( hi...we're not from here...)

* I have yet to upload my photos of the trip...they will be posted as soon as they are...thank you for your patience...

Anyone ever taken a road trip with Trevor Harding? How many near-death experiences did you have? I counted at least six occasions when the Reaper was climbing onto the hood of the Focus as Trevor "Mario Andretti-ed" us to Grand Rapids to catch Social Distortion. I relaxed every time "Fuzzy the Fuzz-Buster" would beep 'cuz he at least slowed for a few moments. "This is going to be close, folks..." he would warn, passing traffic left, right and center...but we made it one piece and I thank him from the bottom of the heart in my throat for driving.

Mid way to Grand Rapids, we made the mistake of stopping at an "Applebee's" for lunch. I joked about everything being "chicken fried and smothered in white gravy" and wouldn't you know it?...the waitress mentioned they had "chicken fried chicken" and the only gravy they had was "white country gravy"...this made us laugh........a lot. Rob, Trev and Beth all ordered the club sandwich. They arrived soaked and fried in grease...chicken fried, I suppose. I had a was NOT chicken fried was pretty good. The other three did not feel so hot following the consumption of their cholesterol specials...I was fine. When in doubt, always order a's hard to fuck up a burger.

Arriving in Grand rapids at about 4:00, we spent about half an hour driving around looking for the "Orbit Room". Fuzzy was going off randomly, apparently trying to tell us we were going in the wrong direction. The phrase of the day was "hi...we're not from here" which was uttered on numerous occasions to no one in particular as we pulled Beths patented "maneuver"...basically a U-turn anywhere necessary...the highway, busy intersections, exit gave up searching for the time being and decided to get the room and ask directions...Hotel 6 it was...ten bucks a person...can't go wrong with that.

As luck would have it, the Orbit Room was right across the street from our hotel. Next question; where's the nearest liquor store? Shanikwa at the front desk informed Trev that she didn't drink, so she didn't know. There was a pause of shock and a look of horror before he asked, "Do you have any friends that drink?" Smiling nervously, she ignored the question and finished checking us in.

Rob chilled in the room while Trev, Beth and I went in search of adult beverages. Spotting a sign out of the corner of my eye, "B&B Liquor" was seemingly the only option and our final destination. Fuzzy beeped franticly as we pulled up front, very happy for was very amusing and some what eerie. We all felt like we had made a pilgrimage to Mecca when we walked in...this place put the LCBO to HUGE shame...they had everything under the sun in 20 different varieties. We stood mouths agape in awe at the entrance of the walk-in beer cooler...I have never seen so many beer I'd never heard of before. The woman who owned the store was very helpful, knowledgeable and proud of the fact we loved it so much..I think we made her day. With two six packs in hand each, we headed back to the hotel. Rob bitched that we didn't buy any "beer flavoured beer" but was happy to drink what we gave him.

Following the ravenous inhalation of a couple o' cold ones, we headed over to the Orbit Room, where I was crushed when security informed me I was unable to bring in the digital camera I had borrowed from Suzie....CRUSHED I tell you! For some reason, a disposable camera would have been fine...I don't get it. Frustrated, sad and angry with myself for not listening to Rob when he told me bring a disposable, I walked back to the hotel to put my only opportunity to have my own picture of Mike Ness away...I was beyond crushed...

Returning after chasing my cowboy hat down the highway, the scary security lesbian didn't even frisk me as I entered the venue...guess I wasn't her type...FUCK!! I could have stashed the camera in my pants had I known that. Inside, I took Rob by the shoulders, looked him dead in the eye and said, "Honey, for the first time I am saying this..." I took a deep breath, "You were right and I was wrong." Elated, he went running over to Trev and Beth to tell them what I had said.

Now guys, size does matter and in this case, smaller was better...the Orbit Room is about half the size of the Princess...fanfuckingtastic to see a rock and roll show...and to take pictures with a disposable camera...absolutely and utterly crushed...FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!! Why, oh why did I not listen to my ever so brilliant husband?

But I would not let this spoil my evening. I was about to see the talented, the nasty, the oh so sexy Mike Ness in the flesh...up close and personal...the excitement was almost overwhelming...

I needed a drink...there was a lot more crushing about to happen than I bargained for...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Social Distortion This Weekend!!!


That's right, folks...myself along with a few lucky friends are taking a small road trip this weekend to Grand Rapids to see the one, the only...SOCIAL DISTORTION!! I am very pumped about this show and hope that Rob is not too upset when Mike Ness asks me to marry him...I love him and his machismo...

To learn more about Social D., check out their website and prepare to become an immediate fan...and become very jealous that you're not going...nar-nar...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Creepy Jakalope Eyes...

Sorry, I will not be writing about the Supersuckers, as worthy as they may be. I am spreading the word about the latest to hit the scene...JAKALOPE. Rob Slack came home with this C.D. two days ago after hearing one song on CBC and now I'm hooked.

Jakalope is the brainchild of legendary producer Dave "Rave" Ogilvie, who has worked with many of the best, including Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie and Marilyn Manson. They are confidently fronted by the 22 year old Katie B., who was managing Brian Adams' Warehouse Studio in Vancouver upon her discovery. She delivers a powerful, sweet and somewhat haunting vocal performance on the bands debut "In Dreams" album.

So why is this a "superband"? Along with Ogilvie, Anthony "Fu" Valcic (Skinny Puppy, Orgy, Staind) and Trent Reznor also performed on, co-wrote and produced the album. doesn't stop there! There are also guest performances by Monster Magnet, Sloan, Kat Bjelland (from Babes in Toyland) and Lindy who, FYI, will be appearing here in the Sault on Saturday June 4, 2005 at the Downbeat Lounge.

This techno-industrial-goth album is worth more than just a listen. Visit the VERY cool Jakalope website to find out more and listen to some killer tracks by clicking here .

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Missing in Action

I have been missing in action for the past week or so, and for this I apologize...last weekend did me in...

Friday May 13, 2005, the lovely Patti Goodwin and I got together to watch of my favourites, in fact...the Canadian-made "Blood and Donuts" which I reviewed in an earlier post on this very blog. It had been many years since I had seen this gem, and it lost none of it's charm with age...funny as ever. Apparently it is for rent at the Video Network...go get it and'll thank me for it.

...oh yeah...we also got drunk...

Saturday night was the first annual "Soo Central Celebraties and the Northshore Superior All-Stars all-nite charity Good Times Dance-A-Thon"...say that five times fast! It's just a fancy title for another of Robbie Adamson's fantabulous parties. This one stood out due to the retro 50's style and theme...numbers pinned to the back of your shirt, chicks in poodle skirts, Robbie in his referee shirt with a bull-horn on roller skates, live band musical chairs...lots of fun and games and trophies. I was awarded the "Life Time Achievement Award". When I told Craig West this, his comment was "Don't they usually award such things at the end of your life when there's nothing left to achieve?" Thanks Craig...thanks a lot...just remember who's older, buddy...

...oh yes...and I went to bed at 7:00am...drunk...

Sunday May 15, 2005 was, of course, the much anticipated BigSuit C.D. party at Galaxy Cinemas. Those boys played their little hearts out to an audience of about 220 people. They sounded great and fun was had by all. The after party at LopLops was packed and many musicians played many songs in many different combinations to many rounds of applause...more fun was had by all.

...and I drank again...

And now I'm sick...the sickest I have been in years, actually...flu, chest, fever thing...had to break out the bronchodilator, which I haven't needed in almost two years. It's my body telling me, "You're not 20 years old any more, ya old crow! You can't party like you used to." Getting old bites...

Friday, May 13, 2005

What the...?

I'm cold and there's wolves after me...and my nipples could cut glass right now...and it's MAY...this sucks...that's all...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Audio-Steve and Johnny Petoskey Meet the Crack Hobo, Part III

Audioslave was FANFUCKINGTASTIC!! Chris Cornell was perfect. The tiny glimpses I saw around Mr. Fathead in front of me, were chock-full-'o spunk. Audio-Steve even made it down to the floor with the aid of Blondie's ticket...he lasted only four songs, big baby! Very amusing was the determined crowd surfer who finally made it close enough to the stage to have Mr. Cornell give him a "high-five", immediately after which he dropped completely out of sight and more than likely got trampled to death...hey, he died happy if that was the case...rock on, dude!

We continued to consume. I, due to the kind generosity of my concert-mates, managed to become pretty much the drunkest I've ever been. In fact, I turned to Pavlov and told him he was about to see me the drunkest I have ever been...once my mission was proclaimed, I had to follow through...people were counting on me to provide hours of amusement and canon fodder for future humiliation...and so it has come to pass...tales of my drunken foolishness have haunted me since our return...but more of that later...

Back to the show...

About mid-way through the concert, Sid and Nancy began to demonstrate signs of grave unhappiness with is at this point I dubbed them "Sid and Nancy". What started out as a seemingly minor argument, escalated out of control in no time, resulting in one of the craziest "couples fights" I've ever witnessed...yelling, pushing, crying, going missing, possibly buying pot from some strange dude, more crying, yelling, pushing...

All of this just added to the crazy vibe in the theatre...dudes were falling down the stairs every two minutes...some guy got a surprise super-flying-face-punch, spraying blood all over the place, which didn't really seem to shock anyone except us outsiders...Chris Cornell kept dissing "the Boss"...

"Anyone who couldn't get tickets to this show had to go next door to see Springsteen!"...and the crowd goes wild...

But, alas, the show ended and I was sad. Outside the theatre, we were entertained by more drunk American antics. A more than slightly intoxicated dude was trying to force a more than slightly intoxicated broad into his truck while more than slightly annoyed security guys were trying to prevent him from driving. Meanwhile, in the background, young hoodlums were rooting through vehicles in the parking lot. I was just so damn happy to be where I was in my own head, I kept yelling, "I'm Donna, I'm drunk and I'm in Detroit!!" You can't pay for that kind of entertainment.

As everyone else walked back to the hotel, all the while trying to prevent street people and "hobos" from following them, I opted to accept a ride from Animal.

"Thanks for the ride, Animal." I slurred. "Can I grab your bum first?"

"Sure Donna."

"K...thanks."...with my hand on his butt the entire way to the car...classy...that's me!

As I poured myself out of the PT Cruiser and into the hotel lobby, I became immediately aware that Sid and Nancy were still at it. I was a bit miffed 'cuz they were harshin' my buzz, so I decided to take a seat at the hotel bar and ignore them for a while. I met some very nice people, and the cute girl with the Betty Page hair cut bought me a beer because the bartender would not accept "that Canadian crap" and I was out of American money...O.K., it wasn't really a was a Pabts (sp?) Blue Ribbon...the gesture was kind, none the less...since she was gracious enough to buy me a drink, I thought it was important to drink the same thing she I was having trouble thinking by this point.

Buzz harsher no. 2; Audio-Steve came to the bar to get a glass of water for Nancy...and the situation went down hill from there. The bartender told Audio-Steve he really didn't want to drink the tap water and there was a water cooler next to the front desk. Audio-Steve repeated his request for a glass of water, ignoring what the bartender said. The portly man to my right reached across the bar and handed Audio-Steve a plastic cup and told him the water cooler was beside the front desk. No problem, right? In Audio-Steves version of the story, the bartender completely ignored him and the "fat fucking American guy" handed him a dirty cup, causing him to want to punch fat guy in the throat.

I think Audio-Steve was just bitter and angry because he had to unplug our toilet which Moe had completely fucked with his cocktail of puke and shit...then trying to calm Nancy down...someone he didn't really know or like that much. Every time he had her mellow, Sid would come in and be a cock-head, sending her off the deep end all over again. Pavlov spotted Audio-Steve skulking around the elevators with the plunger at one point and assumed he was hunting Sid down..."I'll plunge the fuck out of you, Mo' Fo'!!!"...

Making my way to our room, I passed Sid and nancy in the hall and had to dodge the flying beer cans...and Mummy who was obviously quite agitated by the whole situation as she pushed Nancy out of her room and into the hallway. Nancy was crying and said she was going to sleep in the hall by the elevators. Go for it, just be aware of the giant blood stain...Audio-Steve thought he would lend Mummy a hand by completely tossing the spare bed in her room and piling furniture on top of it so Sid and Nancy would not be able to sleep on it. Mummy eventually stopped him as he attempted to pee on the mountain of furniture. I believe he also got kicked out of the room at this point.

Things mellowed out...possibly due to hunger, so we ordered far too many pizzas from "Steves Island Pizza"...quarter inch crust with three inches of rock solid cheap mozzarella and little bug-like pellets that were supposed to be sausage on top. I think it was their "cardiac arrest" special. With a loud "I know you!", I insisted that the delivery girl was beside me at the concert, which freaked her out a bit, but entertained my friends. She lied when she said she was working all night, I just know it!

Still sporting my straight hair, I NEEDED a photo taken...Rick took one which I immediately forgot about. 30 seconds later, I demanded a photo be taken of me with my straight hair. Not wanting to upset the drunk crazy girl, Rick took another one...which I again forgot about. For a third time, I insisted that a photo be taken of me, and for a third time Rick complied with my request. When the forth request spilled out of my mouth, I was bombarded by solid, down right, absolute "NO"s. Fine! Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!

Between this and my constant telling of the "girl with Betty Page hair cut" story, I was getting the impression that everyone had had enough of me. It was time for bed anyway. Off to the room I went...

The details of the following events are a bit cloudy, but I do remember offering to show Larry, Moe and Curly my left titty if they went to the other room to get me a beer...nothing...not a peep from them. I ask again, and still nothing. I went and got my own beer without showing anyone my left titty.

Audio-Steve decided he needed a cigarette and showed up at Rick's door completely bottomless, lettin' it all hang out. Rick gave him one, most likely to get rid of him. Not back in our room 30 seconds, Snow Bunny insisted he put the cigarette out, take his socks off and put some underwear on. Larry, Moe and Curly remained silent. In an attempt to get something, ANYTHING out of the three, Audio-Steve whispered rather loudly through the darkness to Snow Bunny, "Hey, whata ya think of the blonde one? He's cute, eh?!"...nothin'...needless to say, they were the first ones to leave in the morning.

Ahhh, morning...with my dry mouth and pounding headache, I got off easy...poor Rick opened his eyes to find Sid facing him, underwear around his ankles, sly grin on his sleepy little face and his dingles gleaming in the morning sun...I guess he and Nancy made up.

dragging our sorry heads out of the sack, we prepared for the journey home...showers were taken...cigarettes were smoked...rye was consumed directly out of the bottle...back to the Sault we headed.

Pavlov, Blondie and Audio-Steve followed Snow Bunny and I and were very forgiving when we got them lost. We met up in Birch Run for lunch at a great Greek restaurant and had a marvelous time recalling the insanity of the night before.

Snow Bunny and I had lots o' laughs all the way home, including an indepth discussion regarding the proper spelling of Napoleon Dynamite's signature sigh of exasperation...she decided it would be "huughghghhhh", which works quite well. It's all fun and games until someone gets a speeding ticket...and a fine for not having proof of insurance.

"Can you just take this note and call my insurance company?" I don't recommend this tactic...Mr. State Trooper looked unimpressed by this, and didn't seem to notice the $30.00 bribe she had sitting on her lap. I was going to offer to show him my left titty, but he was a nervous little fella and I didn't want to make the situation any worse.

Finally home after having a weeks worth of fun, alcohol and craziness in less than 36 hours, I collapsed on my couch and stayed there until the next morning. I wanna go on that ride again, just not too soon.

Yup...Detroit was on fire...thankfully they put it out long enough to throw a rock concert...