Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Holiday Favourites

So not so long ago, one of our local on-line news sources had a poll asking their readers what their favourite Christmas movie was. That's all fine and dandy, however, there were a few glaring omissions...

1. A Christmas Story. How, pray tell, could any self respecting Christmas movie poll writer leave this little gem out? They should be ashamed of themselves! Even the 30 Second Bunnies Theatre troop felt it important enough to include in their new programming...click
here to view. Be careful...you'll shoot your eye out...

2. A Wish For Wings That Work. An awesomely funny Berkeley Breathed animated tale. Opus the penguin writes...well...actually, he faxes his letter to Santa expressing his desire to fly after finding little comfort in his "Flightless Bird Support Group"...Robin Williams plays the part of a Kiwi bird whose wife left him for an Albatross...this scene alone is worth the price of admission. Click here to find out more. And if any of you ever see this on DVD anywhere, buy it, buy it, BUY IT!! I'll love you forever.

3. The Nightmare Before Christmas. In my opinion, this is Tim Burton's crown jewel. A beautifully funny and imaginative feat of stop-motion animation. I love Jack Skellington. I want to marry him. Click here to fall in love too.

4. The Ref. OK. This one is not so obvious, but you will bust a gut laughing. Denis Leary plays a thief turned marriage counsellor on Christmas eve. Denis Leary...Kevin Spacey...what more do you want?...yea, yea, yea...click here to blah blah blah...I happen to own this one if anyone wishes to borrow it.

5. Toys. One of my favourite Robin Williams movies with a "Hamlet" sort of story line...but without the incestual undertones...and Joan Cusack (sp?) who plays the Ophellia-type character is his sister...robot sister...OK, so it's nothing like "Hamlet" but it does have an evil, underhanded uncle...and LL Cool J...just see the damn movie! It's a lot of fun.

6. Die Hard. 'Nuff said. Yippy-kiyay motherfucker...

There you have it. My list of some of the most over looked Christmas movies. I watched "The Grinch" (the original, not the evil live action monstrosity) twice yesterday thanks to time shifting. I stick my tongue out to all who cannot experience the joys of time shifting...tee hee...


Anonymous said...

ummm....donna.... what about Dan Haggerty's 'Elves'?... have you forgotten the joy it brings to the christmas season?....
i'm just sayin.....


Anonymous said...

There was a great 1960's animated version of Dickens' "A Cristmas Carol" that struck just the right tone, and only lasted an hour. Haven't seen it in years.


Anonymous said...

did tiny tim die of a limp in it?...
