It all started Saturday night at the Downbeat Lounge. The The Flatliners were playing. They are a young, loud ska-punk band and a lot of fun...I enjoyed them very much. Sweet young lads....they showered me with merch....
Sunday night, Rob, Beth and I ventured out to the Oddfellows Hall to see the punk show. First on the bill was the Sault's own "Soldiers of Misfortune". They did a punk version of "Hot For Teacher" and I love them because of it.

While they plead and interesting case against the tradition of Christmas, citing consumer debt, corporate greed and excess waste, I still think these people may be one candle short of a menorah. Check out the crazy Russian propaganda style poster!
Needless to say, I never did find a website for the band "The Resistance" which is unfortunate....they were my favourite part of the evening....nasty Joan Jett-type female singer backed by Distilleresque punk rock. I highly recommend finding them if you can....very cool....
The abrasive thrash-metal-punk-whatever band "Protest the Hero" was the third act of the evening. Couldn't get into them so much...too heavy for my taste but good at what they do....I guess....
After a short toke and a munchie run to Dairy Queen, we got to hear Death By Stereo and I enjoyed them....louder and harder than I remembered, but I enjoyed them regardless....
So all in all, it was a fun evening. We all had a good time once we got past the fact that we were twice the age of 99.9% of the audience. Got to observe the local punk youth in their natural habitat....quite interesting, colourful and violent....I could write a thesis....
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