Tuesday, August 30, 2005

An Open Letter....

This is an open letter to the individual who messed with my blog...

You see, I like to support my friends and a lot of my friends have bands and I like to link to their websites from my blog in order to show them that I support them and to give them extra exposure. Now, to make my blog permanently link to a picture of a squirrel with giant nads when I want to link to the "Big Suit" website is annoying, immature and NOT FUCKING COOL!! Grow the fuck up....

Just because you're a computer geek, living in your parents basement, popping zits and praying for the day you finally get laid, that's no excuse for hacking into other people's blogs...don't hate me because I have a life.

To everyone else....

The Big Suit website is up and running and looks really good. I would link to it here, but I can't...I would fix it but I don't know how 'cuz I'm not a computer geek and I have a life... so here is the address....www.bigsuit.ca....go check it out. Nice job, Brian.


Craig said...

Not sure it's your blog Slackhopper, as mine also links improperly when I try to put in a bigsuit link ... so either somone has hacked all the Blogger sites on Earth or the problem is somewhere in the bigsuit site.

Anonymous said...

I'm a computer geek but I didn't do it. Promise. The bigsuit link on my site works fine but then again I'm not on "blogger". There might be something with the referrer seeing a blogger account and messing it up but that's a pretty weird scenario. I'd like to see what does come up though so I can try to see if it's still on Pictographics server (where bigsuit is hosted) or if it's pointed somewhere else.

Did I mention I'm a computer geek ;)?