This what iPhoto said to me this morning when I plugged in my memory card. It was at that point I decided I should burn some of the 4782 pictures I have stored on my computer onto discs in order to make room for the new batch. I suppose it would be smart for me to back them up anyway...this is gonna take me a while. *sigh*
849 PHOTOS!! What the hell?! Will someone please tell me to stop taking pictures?....II just can't help myself. I think I need to go to rehab or something.
So all in all, I think Buskerfest went fairly well. No major injuries. No kids passed out from heat stroke. Only a couple of disputes among the performers, although they were a cause of enormous stress for me and gave me pimples. And only one small child got accidentally lit on fire.
This year's group of performers was a blast to hang with...and they could all pound back the booze like sailors on leave, especially our two french ladies...WOW!! And every single one of them had great things to say about Sault Ste. Marie.
Jeff Krahn, AKA Scot Free, said his Saturday evening show was one of his favourites ever and he has been doing this for 15 years. The Coralies kept teling how friendly everyone was and said although it was a small festival, it was one of their favourites. Jeff Hill said he fell in love with Sault Ste. Marie and the people here the first time he performed here in 2004. He really wants to come back next year. The USA Break Dancers loved the food...and the ladies...and the Hennessy. During our final dinner at Gran Festa Sunday evening, everything was quiet as we enjoyed our meals, and out of the blue in a loud, deep voice Julio exclaimed, "FUCK IT!! Screw Toronto and lets stay here for another weekend. The food here is too fuckin' good!"
Making the performers happy and welcome iis one of the prime objectives of the Buskerfest Committee, so these little things mean a lot to me. We want the word to spread in the busker world that the Sault is the place to be. We may be smaller but we're better.
Alright...enough chit chat. On to the momment you've been waiting for. Pictures.
...the Pirate...thanks again, Mark...

The USA Break Dancers...

Ivan Bellari, the fire guy...
...he lights himself on fire...cool...

...the flaming comb over...funny...

...some amazing fire breathing...

The Coralies...

Jeff Hill...I still can't watch the razorblade trick...*shudder*

...Scot Free...

Trulee Odd...

The Buskerfest Cabaret at Loplops Lounge...that was funny and freaky shit!...
...that's me on fire!...

...that's Jessica on fire!...

...that's a funny shot of Curt in my way...nice goin', dude...

...that's Scot Free as "Fesso the Clown" in a bra...

...that's Trule Odd in the thong we bought at the sex shop...

...that's a bunch of bloggers looking at Trulee Odd in the thong...

...that's a couple of white dudes layin' down some phat beats for the break dancers...

That's all for now folks. Remember the whole 849 picture thing? Yea...it's gonna take me a while to sort them all, but I wanted to share a few of my favourites with y'all. Check back soon for more...and more....and even more...
Great pics Donna. I knew I was in that freaking picture when you shot it. I was on my mission to find Easy Ed so he can lay down those funky beats for those funky break dancers.
I'm just getting my Cabaret post up (hopefully in the next 5 minutes or so) with well you on fire leading the way.
Excellent photos - thanks for not posting that one photo *blush* - you know the one I mean.
Anyhoo, it's been a blast. Possibly the most enjoyable weekend in 2006, thus far. I'm still flattered that you had me as the opener/crowd-attractor, and even more so for the invite to next year's event.
I'm still jealous of your equipment and your ability. I had been worried about my Cabaret shots, but did manage to find some good ones - too many for photoshop to handle, actually. It kak'ed on me after two hours of work and I gave up and spent the rest of last night doing tequila shots with The Pirate. We toasted you several times over...
I'm amazed that you're not comatose after working so hard all weekend, Donna, not to mention the energy you put into this thing for a full year before the event. GREAT job. Again, thanks for all the invites and attention you gave me over the weekend. Based on how special you made me feel, I can only imagine the great treatment the "important" people must have gotten.
Mark, I'm saving that photo for the posters for next year...
...I kid, of course...
I'm happy to have you back next year...you did a great job. And I'm sorry I made you play so long that you had no time to deliver your speech. It wasn't just nerves, was it?...
Les, it was fun hanging with you. When you asked me to do the HBP TV News on the Fly plug, I was completely fried and could barely remember my own name. I love the results, however. If I can't make fun of myself, I would not be able to make fun of others...
My favourite was when you jumped in on Paul's plug with, "Is this woman bothering you...?" I wish I hadn't shut the camera off just as you popped in with that. I saved it, but barely, and I think it would have been just that much funnier if I hadn't had my finger on the button...
Also... I'm trying to convince the Pirate to allow that pic on the Cabaret tickets...
PS - I'll bet you forgot all about your HBPTV interview, huh? That's coming in a couple of days if I can't get it all done tomorrow.
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