Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hi...Remember me?...

OK...I have emerged from my Mac induced stupor to finally update...sorry for my lack of stuff and things.

Actually, I can't blame it solely on the new computer. There is also the new camera, a sick pooch, the fact that I have been on holidays and have left my car at the Downbeat more nights than I would care to admit, trying to somewhat organize my house and Buskerfest stuff. In fact, I think I have been busier on holidays than I would be had I been working...odd...

...oh yea...and I am slowly morphing into a geek. Yep, I now have a MySpace. So that makes 3 blogs, a MySpace and a Flickr photo account, all of which require regular updates and maintenance...oh boy. What have I done...

The purpose of this post was to assure everyone that I am indeed still alive. Once I have shaken all the flickr, photoshop and fonts out of my cranium and returned to reality, I will make a real post. Until then, I present this for your listening pleasure...thank you Lord Pugh.


Anonymous said...

You've got it all wrong. No geek in their right mind would have a myspace account, ewwww, next thing you know you're going to be using AOL. Tsk tsk, the more you learn the more you forget.

Craig said...

Well, I have to say you lost the race you seemed to be having with Chris Belsito over who would go the longest without new content.