White Cowbell Oklahoma tore Foggy Notions a new one lastnight. It looked a bit grim when we arrived at the bar...just us and the band sitting around watching Edmonton clean the Ducks clock. I was concerned that it would be yet another disappointing turn out....it was Sunday night after all...and this is the Sault...
By midnight, the bar was pretty full and the Sheriff emerged from the fog to taunt us, riffle aimed skyward and bull whip at his side. The music started and I did not stop shooting....173 pics later and here I am to share a few with you....

...the sheriff and his bell...

...keeping all the stage names straight proved too difficult for me in my drunken state, but i think there's a bubba and a cousin with no name in this photo somewhere...

...grinder meets bell with spectacular results...

...hollis is fun...

...clem liked carrie's underware...'nuff said...

...chainsaw charlie/the sheriff and clem thought i was tasty...
The show was way too fun although I expressed my disappointment at the lack of chainsaw and cock rag action to the band. They offered to give me a private cock rag demonstration if I accompanied them back to their hotel, to which I replied, "I'm pretty sure my husband may have an issue or two with that." So, alas, no cock rags for me...
where are all your links?... can't find any pictures on your myspace either... what the?....
a couple of the pictures were a bit too large and messed everything up...is it better now?
yup... it's back...
all better...
you whore...love you,
looks like a blast!!
did you notice that one of the cowbell boys was none other than dylan goodhue...sean cullen's guitar player...i bet you didn't...didya...
no, as a matter of act, I had no idea...very interesting little tid-bit, slack...I must speak with him when they come through town on June 8 as blue velvet kentucky...you should come for a visit and have drinks with me and yer bro and fun and stuff and things...and gaze upon our new computer in awe and wonder...
..nar nar...
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