Saturday, May 06, 2006

Me 'n Mike it is ...fianlly...the picture of Mike Ness and Myself after the Toronto show, October 2006...

...right after the picture was shot, I turned to Mr. Ness and asked, "You made the tough guy face, didn't you?" to which he replied, "Of course." Good God, he is one coooool mother fucker...I love him...and Rob's cool with fact, I'm pretty sure Rob has a man-crush on Mr. Ness...

...and here is me and Danny he signed my set list on the windshield of a smart car...

...he's the keyboard player and back up singer (of many) for Soacial Distortion...I met the rest of the band as well, but no one was around to take a snap shot...bummer...

...there's always next time..and there WILL be a next me...


Robert Slack said...

Nobody else has commented yet, so I will. You, Mike Ness and a Sun Records Tee... My, oh, my.

Slackhopper said...

is this your Holy Trinity, or what?