Well, Friday night happened and things went to hell in a hand basket.
It all started with a fantastic show at the Best Western as I went to cover Prairie Oyster for SooToday.com. Loved the show and got lots of great pictures of them. Lindsay Pugh and Jay Case were there. This made me very happy and we hung out and had a good time.
Then it was off to the Outback to see a killer band from Alberta, the Wheat Monkeys. I have seen them a few times before and was really looking foward to them. Unfortunately the lighting was really fucked up there so pictures were not going well. All of the stage lights were focused below the waist of all the band memebers so the only things that showed up were their legs and part of their guitars....no torsos or heads. It pissed me off a little.
Anyway, after a little chit chat with the band, Jay, Linds and I caught a cab down town for a few more frosty adult beverages. I wasn't drunk at this point but had a bit of a buzz on...thought it best not to drive.
Everything went down hill after that.
After drinking way too much, Jay and I shared a cab home. I had the cab driver drop me off on Wellington Street across from my house.
Bad move.
As I ran across the street, I tripped over the curb and took one hell of a nasty spill as I starfished flat on my face on the sidewalk.
The following are gruesome pictures of the resulting injuries....
....are you ready?
...this is the nasty road rash I got on my wrist trying to save my camera as I went down...

...this is the gash on my right knee...it hurts like a fucking bitch...

My left knee is also bruised and a bit swollen and my right elbow is stiff and sore. My ego is also bleeding profusely.
Yup, nothing like some disgusting oozing extremely painful injuries to make someone feel old on their birthday. Thankfully I have my own personal man-nurse....Steve Olsen.
And my camera? Well, it is damaged a bit but still works. The lens has to be replaced shortly, however.
Please, by all means, feel free to call me an idiot. I have numerous times.
At least you saved any major damage from the camera....maybe. People heal, consumer electronics, not so much.
Okay, I can't help but laugh. I'm a wuss and can't really look at the pics but it's funny as hell.
I hope the camera is okay.
Also, this is a timely comment because if you look out your window shortly you might see the hounds and company walking past your window to go to the nearest Mac's Mart.
It wasn't you that I thought would be in danger of falling down when you guy's got in the cab! Bummer about the camera, I would be willing to keep it safe for you if you wanted.
Nice war wounds, heal fast, next weekend will be here soon!
Oh Donna, you poor little fragile chickadee. What a kick in the teeth. However, one good thing comes from all of this - you see, the truly old female is at great risk for osteoporosis, and at least you have firmly convinced the universe that you are no where close to breaking a hip. Yes, you have once again evaded the scheming hand of fate, which would see you confined to a Wal-mart somewhere, running into children with your "roustabout" electronic scooter. Happy Birthday dear girl, the egg on my face for not remembering is beginning to give off a sulphurous odor. Drink your medicine, and for god's sake stop picking at it!
Holy shit, Donna! I think the next time you go drinking, you had better bring me along. You know, just to make sure you don't fall down again.
haha! Damn, Donna!...what were you thinking? I know it was your 'birthday' and all, but for gawd sakes,lady!--did you really think you could keep up drink-for-drink with Jay Case? *heh heh* Well, at least you had an occassion to blame your stupour on! Happy Be-lated, hope your birthday wish come true for you!
And, BTW, you ARE of of those chicks who gets even hotter with age! yeeep, 'Hot Donna'-lucky Rob!!
Donna, you ignorant slut!!! hopping from curb to curb with the frequency of a cheap drunk bar whore. serves you right. we love your blood and ooze and hope you a speedy recovery. sincere love from krista and the man-nurse
Those pics made me cringe. FWIW, Happy B-day and a speedy recovery.
poor donna. I hope you are feeling better!
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