To read what he is getting at, click here. Too lazy to click there? Screw you, too bad. You miss out. I'm too lazy to explain it all and my laziness out-weighs your laziness on my blog.
Here are the first of the pics....

Milhouse. My best little guy and in love with the camera.

The Downbeat Lounge. My favourite watering hole and the inspiration for my band photography. Rest in peace.

Tracey Hilderly, the rockinest chick in the Sault, drumming with the Malcontents at the DBL. Note the Motley Crue t-shirt and the cowboy hat......nice!

Dustin Jones of the Inner Cuty Surfers. He rocks, he loves, he leaves. That's just what he does. The Surfers made me fall into a deep and insatiable addiction to live band photography.

Mikey Hawdon of the Inner Cuty Sufers. See the comments above. The same goes for him too.

Al Wood, Lindsay Pugh and Frank Deresti jamming at Loplops with some chicks whose name I don't remember. Not a great pic, by any stretch.

My lovely husband doing what he does best.

Trevor Heartless and Dan Nystedt posing with Rae Spoon, a Downbeat favourite and part of the bar's family.

I've always liked lamps.

Trevor Heartless during a late night, very drunk jam in the basement of the DBL.
There you have my first insallment of the history of my camera, which was purchased in March of 2006. I have taken over 12 000 pictures with it. I never plan to stop.
1 comment:
Hey Donna, thanks for participating, you're #3 in the group now HAHA. I'll put the "promotion" page together tonight possibly. We'll see.
Cool pics too ;)
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