Some are slightly out of focus. some are REALLY out of focus and some are happy accidents....little oopsies that I couldn't have achieved if I tried my darnedest to get 'em. Some of them you have seen before, some you haven't.
And I chatted with the House of Blues dude at the Hip show and he told me that as long as I don't put the Crue pics on t-shirts, mugs and stuff, I can do whatever the hell I want with them.
Fuckin' eh!
Ready for some Motley Crue?

...definitely an unplanned shot...the strobe light just happened to work in my favour...Mr. Nikki Sixx right at the beginning of the show...

...every photographer prays for a photo-op like this one...I nearly shit when he pointed at me...I blew him a kiss for it...he husband was proud of me for flirting with Nikki Sixx...

...Vince can barely tell who it is but this shot really appeals to me...maybe it's the motion captured...I think it illustrates the energy of the show...

...two and a half members of Motley can see a tiny bit of Mick does Nikki get his hair to do that?...
And now for some Tragically Hip...

...a terrible shot but I LOVE it...not sure why...

...I think this one is my favourite out of all the Hip pics...the glare off my lens - sorry, Curt's lens - adds to the intensity of the moment...I need to use this one for a poster or something...

Sweet pics.
I think my favourite out of here is the one just above the Downie pic that you like (using my lens). The one with the dude in the greeny/yellow lighting.
I also found it funny that the Crue and the Hip seemed to like their blue lights quite a bit.
as long as everything is washed in red lights, I'm happy. I HATE red lighting...for photography, anyway.
Yea, George, I'm taliking to you...
Beautiful shots. Bravo.
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