Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Mother Nature flips Mr. Bon Soo the bird

So there you have it. Bon Soo begins and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. It was even declared a snow day today by my boss, so I went home early from work.

I decided to do something I have not done in ages...take pictures just for the hell of it despite our current deep freeze. I did not engage in Canadian Mark's signature "walk about" was more of a "drive about". I may be a bit crazy but I'm not stupid! Did you look outside today? Sheesh! I'm sorry I bitched about having a green Christmas.

I finally made it to the Art Gallery to view the Bon Soo Juried Art Show. Nice job CO. I love the large matte you went with. Your photographs definitely stand out.

...these were taken in the parking lot of the Art Gallery...note the barely visible car in the second photograph...I had to wade knee deep in snow to get to the Gallery...Michael Burch was just on his way out the door to shovel when I arrived...

...and this is me being all stealthy-like inside the Gallery...they don't like it when you take pictures inside without permission...that's Curt's photo behind my head, just in case you doubted my visit...

Riddle me this...

How does a most excellent photo of Domino get turned down for the art show, but a cheesy painting of Motley Crue gets accepted? Not that I have anything against Motley Crue. In fact, I'm listening to them right now. But this is an art show.

I don't get it...

Anyway, I had full intentions of heading off to the Winter Playground today, but parking was a pain, I mean far away and would entail me walking in the blizzard...and I wanted to avoid being outside as much as possible. cleared just long enough for me to get this shot and follow the directions to the Pine Street Marina to park for the Playground...

...I got out of the car long enough to snap a couple of pictures and then thought better of venturing to the Playground...screw that crap!! the 2 minutes I was outside, my extremities became so cold it burned...I felt like Rick Mercer when he paid a visit to Professor Popcicle or Dr. Icecube or whatever his name is...ya know, the guy who experiments with hypothermia...that guy...

I'm not affraid to admit that most of the pictures I took today were taken in the toastiness of my motor vehicle.

As for Bon Soo, I can only imagine that any outdoor events planned for today have either been cancelled, rescheduled or moved indoors. There is one event I will definitely be at, however. The Battle of the Bands is Friday evening. I can't wait to see Mr. Bon Soo rock out with his cock out!

...or as I like to call him, Mr. Hydrocephalus...tee hee...


Anonymous said...

Awww you did go see my work -- although in the picture it looks like a lime green matte, eeww.

I really like the picture of the boats for some reason. Crazy frozen boats. The one with the trees and sun in the top right is pretty cool too, only if there wasn't as much sun burst. Stupid bright sun.

Slackhopper said...

yea, sorry about the lime green matte, CO. I was in such a hurry to get the shot with out being spotted, I had my camera on the wrong white balance bad.

as for the other pic, that's not sun's snow on the window of my car. call me lazy, but it was gosh-darn cold out there!

you better appreciate my knee-deep snow swim to get to the gallery!