I tried the Audioblog thing and it doesn't seem to like me much. I recorded it two days ago as a test and it failed....not only does it not play, but it took two freakin' days to even show up as a post. I will investigate further and try again...maybe. It's a long distance # you have to dial in order to do it so maybe that is where the problem lies.
I just thought it would be cool for me to post audioblogs on location when seeing a cool band and stuff.
....hmmmm....that's a noodle scratcher indeed....
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Clerks and Goth and Puppies and the Simple Things That Make One Giggle

Kevin Smith does it again. Clerks II will not disappoint any fan of he original. It is brilliant. So mush so, that I am going for a second look this evening. There are two aspects of this movie that, for me, make it worth multiple viewings; 1. The actor that plays Elias is fanfreakintastic...hope to see him in many more flicks, and 2. the Jason Mewes homage to "Silence of the Lambs"...and not the one that has appeared in trailers...the OTHER one...those of you who have seen the movie know what I am talking about, but I will not spoil it for those of you who have not. Trust's funny...
I give it two "even cowgirls get the blues" sized thumbs up....

So after taking a look at the above album cover, you may think the band is some sort of crazy metal goth thing....right? Wrong. Although this is one of the worst album covers I have ever owned (if the band ever reads this, I am sorry, but it truly is the cheeziest album cover I have ever the music though), the band completely kicks ass. They are Bluessmyth and they played last Friday night at Loplops Lounge. They are not Goth nor are they Metal...they are a blues trio from Calgary with a lead singer/guitar player who is model hot...I mean REALLY hot. They are a cross between the Allman Brothers and Hendrix and I really liked them and he was hot...did I mention the singer was hot? Check 'em out. I bought both CD's 'cause they were hot...I mean really good...
....and hot....

Since Craig has not posted any pics of his new family members, I will. World, meet Nietzsche and Bear (AKA Malcom as I had originally named him), puppies meet world. I never thought I would describe something of Mr. West's as cute but for the love of God these little guys are down right adorable!...

...almost as cute as my little guy, Milhouse...but a lot less crazy. Ah, the life with a Jack Russell Terrier. Never boring and he eliminates the need for a doorbell.
And now for things that made me giggle recently...
I went to the grocery store yesterday to buy my favourite bread, only available at Rome's, and the muzak was priceless. As I entered the store, the lovely melody of "Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head" greeted me....and I laughed....and got side ways looks from those around me. Whatever, that shit is funny in my world. One of the corniest songs ever recorded made cornier....I love it! And not for the "Butch Cassidy" connection, but for the "Clerks II homage to Butch Cassidy" connection...
....see how it has come full circle?...I like circles...
Sunday, July 16, 2006
...and then my memory card caught fire...
Ok, so it didn't really catch fire, but I did shoot about 800 photos over the last week. There was a lot of stuff and things happeneing 'bout town. Here are a few highlights...

...this is myself with Shauna and John...I met John at the Downbeat lounge...he is from the UK and is spending 5 weeks touring Canada...I gave him a 4 hour tour of the area; Kinsmen Park, Mockingbird Farm, Gros Cap, cottage country, the shitty and the ritzy neighbourhoods, the were fun, eh...

"I'm a chicken hawk and yer a chicken. Now are ya gonna come quietly or do I hafta muss ya up?!"...God I love Foghorn Leghorn...

"Sure, magical animal..." God I love the Simpsons....

...cheezy shot, I know, but I thought it was cool none the less...
Second Satge, of course, ate up a huge chunk of my time this weekend. I did not mind, however, as it was a stellar opportunity to shoot local talent. I loved every second of it and am extremely pleased with the outcome. Rather than write about the event, I'll show you how damn cool it was....

...there are far too many pics to post here...for more shots of Second Stage, please visit my photo blog...thank you...
I also got to meet some fellow bloggers I had been reading for quite some time...

...I wonder who this could be?...Canadian Mark?...the Pirate?...or Hohmann maybe?...this man has many names, but I just call him the Boardwalk Piper...nice to finally meet you, Mark...I tried to sneak up on him to snap some shots, but he spotted me through his third eye which is apparently in the back of his head...also met Les Becker but the heat stroke affected me so much that I forgot to snap a shot of her...BAD BLOGGER!!...
...and I met some blogger pets...

...Domino...which is longer?...his tongue or his ears? was the dog drool bath, Rob?...

...and Fozzy...ready to go home, I guess...
And finally something I never thought I would see in the Sault...well at least not until Buskerfest anyway...

...yes, my friends...that is a break dancer at the Downbeat was very cool...again, visit my photo blog for more pics of this young fella doin' his thang...what are you waiting for?

...this is myself with Shauna and John...I met John at the Downbeat lounge...he is from the UK and is spending 5 weeks touring Canada...I gave him a 4 hour tour of the area; Kinsmen Park, Mockingbird Farm, Gros Cap, cottage country, the shitty and the ritzy neighbourhoods, the were fun, eh...

"I'm a chicken hawk and yer a chicken. Now are ya gonna come quietly or do I hafta muss ya up?!"...God I love Foghorn Leghorn...

"Sure, magical animal..." God I love the Simpsons....

...cheezy shot, I know, but I thought it was cool none the less...
Second Satge, of course, ate up a huge chunk of my time this weekend. I did not mind, however, as it was a stellar opportunity to shoot local talent. I loved every second of it and am extremely pleased with the outcome. Rather than write about the event, I'll show you how damn cool it was....

...there are far too many pics to post here...for more shots of Second Stage, please visit my photo blog...thank you...
I also got to meet some fellow bloggers I had been reading for quite some time...

...I wonder who this could be?...Canadian Mark?...the Pirate?...or Hohmann maybe?...this man has many names, but I just call him the Boardwalk Piper...nice to finally meet you, Mark...I tried to sneak up on him to snap some shots, but he spotted me through his third eye which is apparently in the back of his head...also met Les Becker but the heat stroke affected me so much that I forgot to snap a shot of her...BAD BLOGGER!!...
...and I met some blogger pets...

...Domino...which is longer?...his tongue or his ears? was the dog drool bath, Rob?...

...and Fozzy...ready to go home, I guess...
And finally something I never thought I would see in the Sault...well at least not until Buskerfest anyway...

...yes, my friends...that is a break dancer at the Downbeat was very cool...again, visit my photo blog for more pics of this young fella doin' his thang...what are you waiting for?
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Don't Make Me Get the Lemmings Out....
Sunday, July 02, 2006
"Celebrate the birth of your Nation by blowing a small part of it up"

Happy Canada day!! John Doucette has the right idea...and possibly the biggest Canada flag in town. Good job Mr. Doucette.
I had a weekend chock full 'o fun and hi-jinx with only one small injury sustained when Dustin Jones beaned me in the foot with a hurt like a bastard and I have an impressive bruise to prove it. I think I shot about 500 pictures in all and I am now VERY busy going through and editing them.
After about a year of begging, I finally got my picture taken laying on the hood of Bella...Robbie Adamson's totally sweet '61 Chevy Belair...this made me very happy although I am slightly concerned I may have dented her hood a bit...

Tonight is Jon Rae and the River at the downbeat Lounge. Rob and I will be in attendance with bells on to round out our crazy musical Canada Day weekend. I suggest everyone else do the same...
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