Kevin Smith does it again. Clerks II will not disappoint any fan of he original. It is brilliant. So mush so, that I am going for a second look this evening. There are two aspects of this movie that, for me, make it worth multiple viewings; 1. The actor that plays Elias is fanfreakintastic...hope to see him in many more flicks, and 2. the Jason Mewes homage to "Silence of the Lambs"...and not the one that has appeared in trailers...the OTHER one...those of you who have seen the movie know what I am talking about, but I will not spoil it for those of you who have not. Trust me...it's funny...
I give it two "even cowgirls get the blues" sized thumbs up....

So after taking a look at the above album cover, you may think the band is some sort of crazy metal goth thing....right? Wrong. Although this is one of the worst album covers I have ever owned (if the band ever reads this, I am sorry, but it truly is the cheeziest album cover I have ever seen...love the music though), the band completely kicks ass. They are Bluessmyth and they played last Friday night at Loplops Lounge. They are not Goth nor are they Metal...they are a blues trio from Calgary with a lead singer/guitar player who is model hot...I mean REALLY hot. They are a cross between the Allman Brothers and Hendrix and I really liked them and he was hot...did I mention the singer was hot? Check 'em out. I bought both CD's 'cause they were hot...I mean really good...
....and hot....

Since Craig has not posted any pics of his new family members, I will. World, meet Nietzsche and Bear (AKA Malcom as I had originally named him), puppies meet world. I never thought I would describe something of Mr. West's as cute but for the love of God these little guys are down right adorable!...

...almost as cute as my little guy, Milhouse...but a lot less crazy. Ah, the life with a Jack Russell Terrier. Never boring and he eliminates the need for a doorbell.
And now for things that made me giggle recently...
I went to the grocery store yesterday to buy my favourite bread, only available at Rome's, and the muzak was priceless. As I entered the store, the lovely melody of "Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head" greeted me....and I laughed....and got side ways looks from those around me. Whatever, that shit is funny in my world. One of the corniest songs ever recorded made cornier....I love it! And not for the "Butch Cassidy" connection, but for the "Clerks II homage to Butch Cassidy" connection...
....see how it has come full circle?...I like circles...
I like enjoy full circles too... :)
Some people just don't notice them...
Thanks for posting the lovely photos of the pups... Craig has been selfish lately and trying to keep their cute little faces all to himself.
Hmmm ... so you've outed me as a puppy owner eh? OK. I will post pictures of them soon.
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