Sunday, October 23, 2005

From House to Maiden and Back Again

So I'm out last night at the Downbeat grooving to Alec's house music, when Dan Nystedt said he was going to Foggy's to video tape Tracey Hilderly's new band, Plethora. I'm totally into the house music and dancing and having a grand old time, but I think "What the hell. I like Tracey. I'll go too."

As we approached Foggy's door, a sense of urgency rushed through me.

"Holy fuck, Dan! They're playing 'Hot Child in the City'. Hurry up!"

Knowing Tracey for as long as I have (going on 30 years!), "Hot Child in the City" was not a surprise and she did a fantastic job. It made me happy. What came next was definitely a surprise.

Pointing at Dan and his camera, Tracey said, "For the sake of my own vanity, we're gonna pull a little number out for you. Well actually, it's a big number." She turned her back to the audience and started the intro speech in the lowest, evilest voice she could muster.

"Is this what I think it is?"

The band kicked in and Tracey let loose the greatest rock and roll scream I have ever heard.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now!?" I exclaimed to absolutely, positively no one. They were doing Maiden...yes...Iron Maiden. "Number of the Beast" to be exact. I couldn't believe my ears and my chin was sweeping the sludge from Foggy's floor. It was the awesomest thing ever.

But wait...there's more...

After Maiden, I heard Ferguson call out for "Sweet". What? Did he just ask for "Sweet"? Right as rain, the follow up to Maiden was "Fox on the Run". All of a sudden I was 8 sitting at the top of the basement stairs while my brother listened to records and made out with his girlfriend. It was killer.

During set break, I manned the camera while Dan interviewed the men's room...while taking a was weird.

So weird in fact, I headed back to the Downbeat for more of DJ Saige's infectious grooves. The joint was jumpin', packed with wannabe ravers and drummers with dreads. Plenty of fun was had by all and I'm sure one or two high jinx ensued throughout the course of the evening.

I decided to close out with a quiet drink at Lop Lops, where I had a very lengthy and in depth discussion with Ken regarding remodelling possibilities for my home. Damn he's good. I guess that's why he's the architect and I'm the loan shark.

I drove to work this morning and CRANKED Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher"...connecting with my derd roots...

Now I am listening to Alec's newly released remix C.D., "Movement". It has come full circle.


Craig said...

Your story almost makes me want to start going out again ... Maiden eh? Cool.

Slackhopper said...

Although I only caught half of one of 'Plethora's' sets, I think they would be a blast to spend a night with. I highly recommend.