Wednesday, July 26, 2006

...stupid audioblog...


I tried the Audioblog thing and it doesn't seem to like me much. I recorded it two days ago as a test and it failed....not only does it not play, but it took two freakin' days to even show up as a post. I will investigate further and try again...maybe. It's a long distance # you have to dial in order to do it so maybe that is where the problem lies.

I just thought it would be cool for me to post audioblogs on location when seeing a cool band and stuff.

....hmmmm....that's a noodle scratcher indeed....


Anonymous said...

I blame it on the InterTubes... they were probably clogged. This isn't a dump truck you know!

Les Becker said...

That's true - the net's been filled up with all the email jokes and spam and the important stuff gets rerouted to and call center in India.